Balladeer’s Blog’s look back at 2019 continues:

GeorgesTHREE NEGLECTED SWASHBUCKLER NOVELS FROM ALEXANDRE DUMAS – Reviews of Georges, in which a master swordsman fights slavery in Mauritius; Captain Pamphile, another anti-slavery tale from Dumas, this one about a pirate captain; and La Dame De Monsoureau, about a 16th Century rogue and his bed & battle adventures. CLICK HERE

DISSENTER.COM, FIGHTING FOR FREE SPEECH ONLINE – A look at and its underdog battle with the Techno-Fascists at google, facebook and twitter. CLICK HERE 

Mardi Gras MassacreMARDI GRAS MASSACRE (1978) – A review of a classically bad seasonal slasher movie which featured human sacrifices and inept police work during Mardi Gras. CLICK HERE 

AMERICAN COMEDIANS: INSULTING BEGGARS TO MAKE KINGS LAUGH – 21st Century American comedians would much rather serve as sycophantic court jesters for the powers that be instead of siding with the underdogs. CLICK HERE

EndgamePOST-APOCALYPSE MOVIES – Balladeer’s Blog’s reviews of 1980s imitations of Mad Max

It’s Endgame, about a futuristic gladiator leading mutant fugitives to freedom; and the Empire of Ash Trilogy, three films featuring sufferers of an atomic blood disease hunting down healthy victims to extract their bone marrow. CLICK HERE and HERE  

MARK ZUCKERBERG LOOKS AT POETRY – A comedy bit about humanoid Techno-Fascist Mark Zuckerberg using algorithms to translate poetry. CLICK HERE

Magus 1ADAM WARLOCK, THANOS, GAMORA AND DRAX – A review of the 1975 tale of Adam Warlock tangling with the Magus and his 1,000-world empire. Featuring the VERY FIRST appearance of GAMORA. CLICK HERE , HERE and HERE

COURAGEOUS MEGAN HARRIS – A look at another brave woman of the 21st Century. CLICK HERE

Fool Killer illustrationTHE FOOL KILLER – Balladeer’s Blog’s exhaustive examination of 19th and 20th Century Fool Killer folklore, beginning with the Fool Killer Letters in the Milton Chronicle in the 1850s.

A look at a fascinating yet neglected folk figure. CLICK HERE 

MUELLER FINDS NO COLLUSION AND NO OBSTRUCTION – The zany misadventures of one of the most corrupt American prosecutors in history! CLICK HERE

Avengers Kree-Skrull WarTHE KREE-SKRULL WAR – In this superhero-crazed world Balladeer’s Blog takes a look at the original Kree-Skrull War, with the Avengers, Captain Marvel, Nick Fury, Ronan the Accuser, the Mandroids, the Inhumans and more. CLICK HERE


nyctalope-1PULP HEROES: THE NYCTALOPE AND THE MOON MAN – A review of Balladeer’s Blog’s coverage of those two neglected Pulp Heroes. CLICK HERE

TRUMP VS THE SWAMP – Intriguing takes on de facto Third Party President Trump’s battle with America’s notoriously corrupt career politicians. CLICK HERE 

DEMOCRATS AND THEIR TENDENCY TO REVISE HISTORY – As an Independent voter I examine Democrats’ love of toying with history. CLICK HERE

FACULTY LOUNGE FASCIST ROUNDUP: MARCH 20th – More dispatches from the Theater of the Absurd called the American “educational” system. CLICK HERE


Filed under Bad and weird movies, humor, LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES

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