Captain Pike


Robert Mueller did his best Captain Pike imitation this week to further cement what a joke and a waste of time his farcical “investigation” was. Some compared Mueller’s testimony to Weekend at Bernie’s and given how brain-dead Murky Mueller seemed they may be on to something.

It was hilarious to watch this corrupt and worthless little man slither off into the sunset accompanied by the boos and impotent outrage of anti-Trump fascists.   

This cartoon found another excellent comparison for the crooked Mueller’s abysmal performance: 

Mueller deer in the headlights 

But there’s something to be said for this next comparison, too:

Mueller wile e coyote

And if you prefer the classics: 

Mueller Hindenburg

Then there’s this reminder of the Democrats’ Open Borders insanity:

Democrats open borders 



Filed under humor, LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES, Neglected History, opinion

10 responses to “POLITICAL CARTOONS: JULY 26th

  1. Olivia

    These were great selections!

  2. Elaine

    I really liked these!

  3. Elba

    Mueller was less than useless.

  4. Adam

    You should round these up more often.

  5. Alex de Campi

    Brilliant political cartoon!

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