earth-explodingWith 2018 underway Balladeer’s Blog takes a look at some past predictions by “psychics”  (LMAO) that turned out to be wildly off the mark.

FREDERICK DAVIES – In 1978 he predicted:

— Jimmy Carter would get reelected.

— In the early 1980s sea research would result in a cure for various types of cancer.

— A manned landing on Mars would be made by 1985.

— By 1988 a third of all homes would be using solar energy for cooking and heating.

firebird-2015-ad— Private automobiles would be banned … by 1990.

— Also by 1990 life would be discovered on Jupiter and communication with another planet – possibly from beyond our solar system – would be achieved.

— Between 1999-2001 the origin of the UFO sightings around the world would be determined.

MARIS DE LONG – In 1978 she predicted:

— By the year 2000 cures for cancer would be discovered by an American-born doctor on the East Coast.

Philippines Baybayan 2— Also by the year 2000 earthquakes would cause the disappearance of several islands near the Philippines.

— By 1999 humanity would learn that thousands of aliens are already living among us and that their planet of origin is burning up from radiation.

— Nutrient life forms would be discovered on Mars by 1990.

— Jimmy Carter would get reelected and become the most beloved American leader of the 20th Century … LMFAO!

JOSEPH DELOUISE – In 1978 he predicted:

legalize-it— By 1980 marijuana would be legalized in the entire United States.

— By 1996 Muslims and Jews would unite, ending the problems in the Middle East. That’s a relief!  

— World hunger would be defeated as a problem but unemployment would still be an issue.

— Japan would undergo a revolution and merge with China.

JEANE DIXON – In 1978 she predicted:

— America would be split by a major Civil War in the 1980s.

— By the year 2000 aliens would give Earth the secret of solar energy and would bring together all of the world’s scientists in a joint effort for the benefit of all humanity.

— A sun pill would be developed. Taken orally this “concentrated dose of solar energy” would prove to have great health benefits. 

— The Catholic Church would abolish the Papacy by the year 2000.  

— Telepathy and faith-healing would be used by nearly everyone. This, too, was supposed to happen by the year 2000.

chinese-warlord— By 2019 China would try to take over the world but would ultimately be defeated.

— In 2020 the Antichrist would be exposed and the Battle of Armageddon would be fought, involving millions of troops. (Given Dixon’s track record I would not place bets on this one, either.)

TENNY HALE – In 1978 she predicted:

— By the year 2000 most diseases would be treated homeopathically and by sound therapy.

— A nuclear catastrophe by 2000 would destroy factories which produce chemicals and synthetic foods, eliminating those GMOs from our lives. What an oddly specific nuclear disaster.

— Between 1979 and 2000 ancient manuscripts unearthed on the Yucatan Peninsula would change the world’s attitude toward religion and would contain secrets that allow people to levitate themselves and other objects.

minority-report— Also by 2000 AD law enforcement would be done almost exclusively by psychics.

— Between 1979 and 2000 genetic experiments would create hybrid monsters like the chimeric creatures from ancient myths. The havoc wreaked by those creatures would result in the curbing of such experimentation.

— Around the year 2000 earthquakes, droughts and nuclear accidents would result in the end of most human life on Earth. Russia would rule most of what remains as humanity moves into underground cities with no individual rights. The population would be held in thrall by telepaths.

nuke-the-moonIRENE HUGHES – In 1978 she predicted:

— In 1980 Russia would land Cosmonauts on the moon to conduct nuclear weapons tests and international outrage over the incident would result in bloodshed.

— Specifically in January of 1980 San Francisco would suffer an earthquake even more severe than the 1906 earthquake that devastated the city.

jimmy-carter-and-michael-jackson— Jimmy Carter would get reelected with a black Vice Presidential candidate replacing Walter Mondale on the ticket.

— The next passing of Halley’s Comet in the 1980s would result in massive upheavals on Earth such as earthquakes, tsunamis and the outbreak of multiple wars.

— The U.S. President would die of natural causes in or near Russia in 1981.

— Organized religions in the United States would start getting taxed by 1984 at the latest.

— By 1982 either Texas or another state would secede from the United States.

— In 1981 Tanzania would become a nuclear power.

Mascot with demo and repub heads

The symbol of the nonexistent Balladeer Political Party

— A Third Party would emerge in the United States and would win offices in 1984. (We should have been so lucky.)

— In 1986 voices from outer space would shock the Earth.

KEBRINA KINKADE – In 1978 she predicted:

— The U.S. and Soviet Union would launch joint manned missions to Mars and Saturn.

— A one-world dollar would be in place by the year 2000.

— Also by 2000 the United Nations would be abolished.

— Between 1979-2000 solar cars would be perfected and used by the masses for transportation.

spock— Humanity would discover dozens of life-bearing planets outside of our solar system before the 21st Century arrived.

— Remnants of Atlantis would be discovered and would provide answers to many questions baffling scientists.

— By the year 2000 gas and oil would be outlawed and air pollution would be so bad that gas masks would be necessary just to breathe in major cities.

— Also by the turn of the century sterilization would become mandatory for couples who have had two children.

DANIEL LOGAN – In 1978 he predicted: 

lucy-you-got-some-splainin-to-do— By 1980 Lucille Ball would be appointed Ambassador to an Asian country. (?)

— Between 1983 and 1987 the Pope would reveal secret information about Jesus Christ. (I’m betting it had to do with David and Maddie on Moonlighting.) 

— By 1990 the United States would replace its one-man Presidency with a 5-person consortium of Executive Leaders. Remember when that happened in 1990?

— By 1996 aliens with superior technology would instruct humanity on how to solve the Energy Crisis.

— In 1979 or 1980 Marlon Brando would establish his own country. (Maybe THIS was where Lucille Ball was supposed to get appointed as Ambassador.)

statue-of-liberty-in-sand— By the year 2000 New York City would no longer exist.

— Sometime after 1979 “negative people” would use telekinesis to cause the Earth’s poles to shift and in the resulting global upheaval large land masses would reappear from beneath the sea, Japan would sink beneath the waves, the East Coast of the U.S. would be flooded and the West Coast would be split into four parts. 



© Edward Wozniak and Balladeer’s Blog 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Edward Wozniak and Balladeer’s Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. 


Filed under humor


  1. Zoe

    These were hilarious!

  2. These psychics were psychos.

  3. You should do more of these failed predictions.

  4. Awesome blog article.Really thank you! Much obliged.

  5. Fantastic blog post. Want more.

  6. Kurt

    That one about the middle east made me lol!

  7. Roscoe

    I love your sense of humor!

  8. Myong

    Oh my goodness! Psychics are so strange!

  9. Carolynn

    Mr Spock and the planets made me laugh!

  10. Chantay

    This was so funny! I loved it!

  11. Elliott

    Damn! These predictions go way back!


  13. Haley

    People who believe psychics are nuts.

  14. Billy

    Where do psychics come up with this garbage?


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