Tag Archives: Just Imagine (1930)


Just Imagine 2 4way

The world of 1980.

JUST IMAGINE was one of those true oddities that make bad movie culture so much fun.

This uproariously campy sci-fi relic started with a comparison of life in America in 1880 and 1930, the year the movie was released.

From there it provided a speculative tale about life 50 more years in the “future” of 1980. The lame special effects, failed predictions about the future, typically stiff acting for a 1930 effort and – worst of all – a few unbearable SONGS make this a true Bad Movie Classic deserving of a Plan 9– sized cult following.   Continue reading


Filed under Bad and weird movies, Uncategorized


The world of 1980.

The world of 1980.

Before MST3K there was … The Texas 27 Film Vault! In the middle 1980s, way down on Level 31 Randy Clower and Richard Malmos, machine-gun toting Film Vault Technicians First Class hosted this neglected cult show. Balladeer’s Blog continues its celebration of the program’s 30th anniversary year.

ORIGINAL BROADCAST DATE: Saturday January 3rd, 1987 from 10:30pm to 1:00am. 

SERIAL: None. This week the movie, commercials and Host Segments filled the entire two and a half hour running time.

FILM VAULT LORE: Just Imagine is one of the movies referenced on The Texas 27 Film Vault 3-D poster from 1987. 

Just Imagine 1HOST SEGMENTS: At this point I have unearthed no info about this episode’s Host Segments/ Comedy Sketches. Any other fans of The Texas 27 Film Vault can contact me with their memories via my FAQ page. 

THE MOVIE: Just Imagine was one of those true oddities that The Texas 27 Film Vault’s format was perfect for. This uproariously campy sci-fi relic started with a comparison of life in America in 1880 and 1930, the year the movie was released. From there it provided a speculative tale about life 50 more years in the “future” of 1980. The lame special effects, failed predictions about the future, typically stiff acting for a 1930 effort and – worst of all – a few unbearable SONGS make this a true Bad Movie Classic deserving of a Plan 9– sized cult following.   Continue reading


Filed under Bad and weird movies, Movie Hosts