decker shadoFor several years now I’ve meant to make a blog post recommending the YT Channel of Decker Shado, the often-hilarious figure who calls himself “The internet personality with the best hair.” He focuses mostly on genre films – new and old – and offers a lot of fresh insights on anything from schlock to blockbusters.

Decker’s reviews are energetic and informative even when he’s examining movies that he likes. That makes him stand out on an internet filled with snarky reviewers who can only keep a viewer’s attention when they’re insulting truly horrible movies.

decker eye rollingIn my opinion Shado’s the go-to reviewer when it comes to the cheapjack rip-off flicks from the Asylum, like Atlantic Rim, Transmorphers, and countless others. I’d recommend just about any of this guy’s reviews except for the ones where he’s accompanied by another reviewer called Creepy.

No nastiness intended, but I feel that Creepy really cramps Decker Shado’s style and makes a video unwatchable with his … well, creepiness.

Anyway, for an example of Decker’s fun, funny approach to reviews, his 25-minute take on the incredibly awful 1970 movie Hercules in New York, starring a dubbed Arnold Schwarzenegger, can be viewed HERE.  


Filed under Bad and weird movies, humor, opinion


  1. Pingback: DECKER SHADO: TERRIFIC REVIEWS OF GOOD AND BAD MOVIES – El Noticiero de Alvarez Galloso

  2. Nothing wrong with a little [or, appropriately, a lot) of snark. Works well paired with sarcasm, innuendo, and hyperbole, all, au naturalmente, employed with intelligence, conviction, and discrete absence of both hatred and viciousness.

    • Oh, I agree, and I eat up devastating reviews as much as the next guy, but with a lot of online reviewers snark is ALL they’ve got. Decker’s reviews are just as entertaining even when he’s being positive about a film.

  3. I will have to check out this guy’s reviews, they sound amusing! I actually saw “Hercules in New York” once. I don’t really remember it except I have a vague recollection of him driving a chariot (or something) through Central Park? On the other hand, I remember Schwarzenegger’s early film “The Villain” as being pretty funny …

    • There’s a cab ride through Central Park that turns into a fight scene and stuff like that. Yes, the Villain with Arnie, Kirk Douglas and Ann-Margret was funny, like a live-action Roadrunner or Ant & the Aardvark cartoon.

  4. Interesting post!
    I didn’t know Decker Shado ❣️

  5. Huilahi

    Great posts as always. I have seldom heard of Decker Shado before but he does sound like a fascinating person. I’ve always been fascinated with lives of famous film critics. For instance, Roger Ebert is a legend that inspired me to put pen to paper becoming a writer. I loved the show he had with Gene Siskel. Sad how he passed away from Cancer.

    “Life Itself” is a brilliant documentary that depicts the life of the celebrated film critic. Definitely worth watching even if you are not interested in film criticism.

    Here’s why I loved it:

    “Life Itself” (2014) – Movie Review

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