This weekend’s escapist, light-hearted superhero post from Balladeer’s Blog will look at a short-lived VILLAIN series.

gssv 1GIANT-SIZE SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #1 (March 1975)

Title: Encounter at Land’s End

NOTE: Marvel’s Giant-Size comics in the 1970s were an experiment in quarterly publications which would offer a slightly lengthier new story with the rest of each issue filled up with reprinted stories from years or decades earlier. None of these “giant-sized” series even made it to their 9th issue.

Villains: Dr. Doom, Sub-Mariner and Diablo

Synopsis: Dr. Doom’s armored body lands in the Atlantic Ocean following his most recent clash with the Fantastic Four, which ended with him seemingly being killed. Instead, he survived but was knocked unconscious and fell back to the Earth below.

Sub-Mariner, aka Namor, the monarch of Atlantis, caught sight of the falling object while piloting his Atlantean submarine which can also serve as an aircraft. Sub-Mariner rescues Doom, whose armor protected him from re-entry, and the two contemplate an alliance even though their few previous attempts ended with the pair falling-out.

at lands endThis was at a time when the people of Atlantis had been put in irreversible comas by Namor’s old foe Dr. Dorcas and others. Sub-Mariner informs Dr. Doom that he does not have his usual army to command because of this.

Namor and Victor fall out in record time even for them and, after a brief battle, Doom departs for his own kingdom of Latveria. Both villains separately believe they acted rashly and that an alliance between the pair may prove necessary, even if only to save Sub-Mariner’s comatose subjects. 

The two reprinted stories featured Namor’s life being saved by the Fantastic Four recently, and Dr. Doom’s short-lived alliance with Diablo, another Marvel supervillain.

gssv 2GIANT-SIZE SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #2 (June 1975)

Title: To Bestride the World

Villains: Andro the Doomsman, Sub-Mariner and Dr. Doom

Synopsis: After Sub-Mariner fights a cruise ship polluting Atlantic Ocean waters, Dr. Doom sends a detachment of androids to flush Namor out of Atlantis. Sub-Mariner interrupts his contemplation of a way to save his comatose people and meets with Doom on one of Doom’s airships.

This time around, both monarchs keep their temper and they agree to work together to subdue the world. Victor Von Doom tells Namor that he has created an entire android army with which they can battle entire superteams in a war of conquest.

androAndro the Doomsman, the most advanced android of the bunch, was intended as their leader and thus Doom used his own mental patterns to program Andro. This is similar to the way that Dr. Hank Pym used his own mental patterns to program Ultron, and Ultron later used Wonder Man’s mental patterns to program the Vision.

Just as Hank Pym’s mental patterns gave Ultron his instability and his affection for Janet Van Dyne, Dr. Doom’s mental patterns gave Andro his own treacherous, power-mad personality. Andro betrays Doom and Sub-Mariner, and makes the android army instead attack them.

Victor and Namor defeat the army as well as Andro the Doomsman.

svtu 1SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #1 (August 1975)

Title: Slayers from the Sea

Villains: Attuma, Dr. Dorcas, Tiger Shark, Sub-Mariner and Dr. Doom

Synopsis: During a meeting at Doom’s home, Castle Latveria, Namor and Victor fall out again (sheesh) and Sub-Mariner flies off in a huff. Dr. Doom reluctantly accepts that he still needs Namor so he establishes video surveillance of him.

Rather than return straight to Atlantis, Sub-Mariner goes to Hydrobase, the artificial island which is home to the Hydromen. These men and women were involuntarily mutated into scaled amphibian-humanoid hybrids by the villain Dr. Hydro.

dr. dorcasNOTE: That happened during Sub-Mariner’s most recent series, which ran from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. Many early issues of Supervillain Team-Up serve largely to wrap up the storylines left hanging when Namor’s series was canceled.

As Doom continues observing the oblivious Sub-Mariner, he sees Hydrobase invaded by octo-meks (octopoid war-robots) made by Namor’s old foe Dr. Dorcas (at right). Suddenly, another old Sub-Mariner villain – Tiger Shark – attacks Namor.

The two fight it out, and just as Sub-Mariner has the upper hand, the mad scientist Dr. Dorcas emerges alongside Warlord Attuma (another Namor foe), leader of a renegade settlement of Atlanteans. Sub-Mariner tries fighting them all but is blasted unconscious by electrical rays from Dr. Dorcas’ weaponry.

svtu 2SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #2 (October 1975)

Title: A Sea Prince Must Die

Villains: Tiger Shark, Attuma, Dr. Dorcas and Dr. Doom

Synopsis: The observing Dr. Doom looks on as Namor’s three enemies place him in high-tech shackles powerful enough to hold even him.

Doom flies from Latveria to Hydrobase, where his cloaking devices prevent Sub-Mariner’s foes from detecting his presence. While covertly scouting out the artificial island, Victor encounters one of the unfortunates that Dr. Hydro mutated into an amphibian-humanoid hybrid: the one and only Betty Dean.

betty dean golden ageNOTE: Regular readers of Balladeer’s Blog may remember that Betty Dean was Sub-Mariner’s surface-dwelling love interest going back to November 1939, Namor’s 3rd appearance. After World War Two ended, Betty and Sub-Mariner drifted apart, and she got married, becoming Betty Dean Prentiss.

        Betty also continued to age normally, while Namor, as the mutant offspring of a human male and an Atlantean woman, had an extraordinary lifespan and remained youthful even here in 1975. Still resourceful, Betty had escaped the cells holding the other Hydro-mutates and that led to Dr. Doom encountering her as they both snuck around. 

Back to the story, Dr. Dorcas sics his octo-meks on them, but Dr. Doom destroys them in battle. He and Betty then make their way to where Namor’s foes are about to execute him with a specially-designed laser made by Dorcas.

betty dean and dr doomBetty throws herself in front of the laser beam, taking the hit for Sub-Mariner, her old flame, and dies. This infuriates Namor so much he breaks free of his chains and cradles Betty’s body for a brief moment before turning to her killers with a savage snarl. And that’s the cliffhanger ending for this issue.

NOTE: Marvel got absolutely cruel toward Namor, their oldest creation, for some reason during the 70s. His human father, Leonard McKenzie was, per canon, killed decades earlier by Subby’s supervillain foe called Destiny, but then in the 70s Marvel made it so that Leonard showed up still alive but very, very old. That was just in time for him to get killed by Tiger Shark.

        Then, one of Namor’s newer foes, the supervillainess Lyra of Lemuria, killed Namor’s new wife Lady Dorma (after he and Dorma had, like him and Betty Dean, been a romantic couple since 1939). AND the 70s also saw Sub-Mariner discover that Namora, his female cousin and ally from the 1940s and 1950s, had been killed and only her bodily remains were left. Give the guy a break!

svtu 3SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #3 (December 1975)

Title: If Vengeance Fails

Villains: Tiger Shark, Dr, Dorcas, Attuma, Sub-Mariner, Dr. Doom

Synopsis: The enraged Sub-Mariner battles Dr. Dorcas, Tiger Shark and Attuma all at once. With their hands full fighting Namor, those three villains are distracted from Dr. Doom. Ultimately, Doom intervenes and escapes with the now badly injured Sub-Mariner.

Namor quickly recuperates back at Castle Latveria, and, as a token of good faith toward their proposed alliance, Dr. Doom agrees to help Sub-Mariner get revenge on his foes at Hydrobase. Before too long, the pair attack the artificial island, with Doom distracting Dorcas, Tiger Shark, Attuma and Attuma’s troops via an aerial attack while Namor frees the imprisoned Hydromen and Hydrowomen.

Now Doom takes on Attuma’s troops with their high-tech Atlantean weaponry and Sub-Mariner fights Tiger Shark, Attuma and Dr. Dorcas. Attuma and Tiger Shark fall in battle with Namor and Dr. Dorcas winds up crushed to death during the conflict.

Victor ruthlessly slaughters all of Attuma’s troops, not even letting Attuma’s harmless court jester live. Sub-Mariner notes this cruelty and already begins questioning his alliance with Doom.

svtu 4SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #4 (February 1976)

Title: A Duel of Titans

Villains: Symbionic Man, Simon Ryker, Dr. Doom and Sub-Mariner

Synopsis: We pick up right after the end of the previous issue. At Hydrobase, Victor and Namor exchange harsh words over Sub-Mariner’s disgust with Doom’s mercilessness.

Another battle breaks out between the pair. (These two reconcile then break up again more often than dating teenagers do!) A U.S. Navy vessel approaches the pair, attracted by all the action at Hydrobase last issue.

Soon, the fight between Namor and Doc spreads to the warship. On board that vessel is Marvel Comics’ villainous Defense Department scientist Simon Ryker, conducting some of his very early experiments in cybernetics and reviving corpses.

symbionic manNOTE: Simon Ryker’s presence in this story is a bit clever, since Marvel readers in 1976 would know that Ryker’s experiments ultimately result in his creation of the undead cyborg Deathlok in the war-ravaged, dystopian future of … 1990. Like Killraven, the Deathlok series was one of Marvel’s short-lived science fiction efforts of the 1970s.

At any rate, along with the Naval personnel, Simon Ryker watches the Doom vs Subby fight on board the ship. Ryker reflects that Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four has refused to help him in his dangerous experiments, so Simon gets the idea of draining some power from Dr. Doom’s armor to provide life to his Symbionic Man.

During a brief lull in the battle, Ryker furtively attaches his power-absorber to Dr. Doom while Doom’s back is to him. The massive energy in Doom’s armor amps up the Symbionic Man more than Ryker could have dreamed and it is uncontrollable. 

Oblivious to Simon’s machinations, Doom and Namor go their separate ways, each filled with fury.

svtu 5SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #5 (April 1976)

Title: … And Be a Villain

Villains: Dr. Doom and Sub-Mariner

NOTE: Sub-Mariner fought and defeated the out of control Symbionic Man in Marvel Spotlight #27 this same month, then Namor’s activities pick up this issue.

Synopsis: The vengeful Dr. Doom finds Sub-Mariner and disables the fancy biotech costume that Namor has needed to wear in order to breathe ever since the last few issues of his now-canceled series. Within 24 hours, the Sub-Mariner will suffocate unless he agrees to serve Doom as an underling, since the pair always collide when they are equals in a venture.

Namor flies to the Baxter Building headquarters in New York City to seek Reed Richards’ help. Mr. Fantastic was the genius who created the biotech suit that let Sub-Mariner breathe after hostile aliens stripped Namor of his respiratory abilities.

shroudMr. Fantastic/ Reed Richards struggles to cure Sub-Mariner of his current plight to prevent him from having to become a servant of Dr. Doom. From Latveria, Doom uses a hologram of himself to mock the Fantastic Four and Sub-Mariner but they keep working.

Elsewhere, the Human Torch clashes with the brand-new superhero the Shroud in his very first appearance. The Torch thinks he’s driven the unknown hero away from spying on the Baxter Building, but actually the Shroud continues his surveillance.

Shortly before the 24 hours are up, Namor loses patience and leaves to pledge himself to Doom’s service in exchange for Victor giving him the serum which will let him breathe. Victor teleports Subby to Castle Latveria to administer that serum.

The Fantastic Four vow to go to Latveria immediately to free the Sub-Mariner. Still lurking nearby, the Shroud plans to follow them, because he wants to kill Dr. Doom.

svtu 6SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #6 (June 1976)

Title: Prisoner

Synopsis: Dr. Doom reminds Sub-Mariner of his servile status if he wants to keep getting the serum which lets him breathe for another 24 hours. This is how Doom plans to keep him in line this time around. 

Victor makes Namor cool his heels at Castle Latveria while he concludes his new peace pact with Henry Kissinger, America’s secretary of state at the time. Kissinger discusses the fact that, though Victor himself is a menace, he and his dictatorship stand as a bulwark against communism in Europe.

Eventually, Latveria’s high-tech defenses detect the Fantasticar flying into Latverian airspace with the Fantastic 4 aboard. While Doom and Kissinger watch the FF fight their way through various high-tech traps of Victor’s, the Shroud slips into Latveria unnoticed.

kissinger and dr doomThe Fantastic 4 make it to just outside Castle Latveria when Doom makes the Sub-Mariner attack them. All combatants are reluctant, since the FF know that Namor must obey Victor’s orders for now. After the battle goes on for a while, Dr. Doom and Henry Kissinger demand that it stop.

Kissinger threatens the Fantastic Four with being in violation of America’s new non-aggression pact with Latveria if they continue this fight. The U.S. government will not only declare them outlaws but will seize all of Reed’s inventions, existing patents, and the team’s money and property, including the Baxter Building itself. 

svtu 7SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #7 (August 1976)

Title: Who is … the Shroud?

Synopsis: Dr. Doom rubs it in while the Fantastic Four are forced to leave Latveria without having freed Sub-Mariner from his allegiance to Victor. The Thing, Human Torch and Invisible Woman are annoyed at the whole situation and at Mr. Fantastic for seeming to give in so easily.

But Reed has an idea to bypass the non-aggression pact. He flies the Fantasticar to Hydrobase, where the Fantastic Four inform Namor’s allies the Hydromen, the alien woman Tamara AND Namor’s cousin Namorita (the daughter of Namor’s 1940s and 1950s cousin Namora) about Sub-Mariner’s plight.

NamoritaNamorita is mourning Betty Dean Prentiss’ loss because she had been raising Namorita (under the secret identity Nita Prentiss) as her supposed “niece” for years. The super-powered Namorita and Tamara promise the FF that they will personally use an Atlantean vessel to go to Latveria and free the Sub-Mariner.

Meanwhile, back in Latveria, Kissinger departs and Doom orders Namor to just be “at ease” while he refines his plans for global conquest and governs Latveria. The angry Sub-Mariner relaxes in seawater facilities provided by Victor.

At length the Shroud covertly approaches the Sub-Mariner, telling him he came to kill Dr. Doom, which act will also set him free. The Shroud tells Namor his origin, which Marvel jokingly made identical to Batman’s over at their competitors DC Comics.

After seeing his parents killed by a crook, the Shroud (Maximillian Coleridge) used the family fortune and his own tenacity to master criminology, science and unarmed combat. He sought out the Cult of Kali to receive superpowers, which they ultimately granted him by blinding him with the red-hot Brand of Kali.

Though physically blind, the Shroud could “see” better than sighted people via super-senses, like Daredevil, or the supervillain Libra. He also had the supernatural ability to impose cloaks of darkness at will around himself and his vicinity. Maximillian then parts company with the skeptical Sub-Mariner and goes to lie in wait for Dr. Doom, whom he wants to kill for being the world’s greatest malefactor.

namorita and tamaraThat night, Victor goes for a walk among his terrified subjects and forces a teenage girl named Gretchen to come and walk with him. Who knows where that might have led if not for the Shroud attacking Doom during that walk, letting Gretchen escape.

Using all of his high-tech weapons and supernatural abilities, the Shroud gets the upper hand in his battle with Victor, damaging his armor and causing him to fall over a cliff to the lake below. The Shroud mistakenly believes Doom to be dead.

Actually, he had survived and was picked up in the lake by an Atlantean vessel piloted by Namorita and Tamara. They threaten Doom’s life if he does not free Namor.

svtu 8SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #8 (October 1976)

Title: Escape

Villains: The Circus of Crime and Dr. Doom

Synopsis: Namorita, Tamara and some Hydromen troops take the injured Dr. Doom back to his castle to see if he is telling them the truth that Namor must remain in Castle Latveria because only Victor can keep him alive.

Arriving in the castle, Doom, Namorita, Tamara and their troops learn that Sub-Mariner and the Shroud have escaped, since the Shroud told Namor that Doom was dead. Meanwhile, Sub-Mariner and the Shroud clash with the Circus of Crime, Marvel villains who happen to be touring Europe at the moment.

Our heroes defeat the circus-themed supervillains and resume trying to flee the country. Learning that Dr. Doom is still alive when he broadcasts an address to the nation, Sub-Mariner tells the Shroud he feels honor-bound to return to Doom’s service. 

svtu 9SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #9 (December 1976)

Title: Pawns of Attuma

Villains: Attuma, Tyrak (an Avengers foe from Atlantis) and Dr. Doom

Synopsis: This issue picks up from Avengers #154. Attuma has returned with new intrigues to force Sub-Mariner to surrender the throne of Atlantis to him. (A chance to rule a bunch of comatose people! Who could resist?)

Tyrak defeated and captured several Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Yellow Jacket, Scarlet Witch, the Wasp and the Vision) from New York City for his commander, Warlord Attuma. Meanwhile, in Latveria, Sub-Mariner and the Shroud are surrounded by Dr. Doom and Latverian troops.

The two heroes accompany the troops back to Castle Latveria, where, safe from prying eyes, “Dr. Doom” removes his helmet to reveal he is really Prince Rudolfo, the exiled ruler of Latveria from before Victor’s takeover. When Namorita and Tamara took Doom away, he donned fake armor and took his place. He was the one who delivered the national address that Subby and the Shroud saw.

tyrakBack at Hydrobase, where Namorita and Tamara have taken their prisoner, the REAL Dr. Doom, they force Victor to try curing the Hydromen while they all await word from the missing Sub-Mariner or Shroud. Suddenly, Hydrobase is attacked by the Avengers, on whom Attuma has placed control collars which use pain to make them obey his orders.

The Avengers were sent by Attuma to defeat Dr. Doom and the Hydromen while Attuma leads his own troops to Latveria to kill the Sub-Mariner. Namor, Shroud and the Latverian armed forces prepare to defend the country from Attuma on behalf of Prince Rudolfo.

Meanwhile, the Beast and Wonder Man, the only current Avengers not captured by Tyrak, prepare to attack Hydrobase to free their teammates. Dr. Doom helps Namorita and the Hydrobase forces defeat the Avengers fighting on Attuma’s side.

svtu 10SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #10 (February 1977)

Title: The Sign of the Skull

Villains: The Red Skull and Dr. Doom

NOTE: In Avengers # 155 and 156, the heroes turned the tables on Attuma, Tyrak and a traitorous Dr. Doom, preventing any of them from conquering the world with an unstoppable army created by the Cell Stimulator. That device was destroyed in the battle, however.

Synopsis: Captain America captures a spy watching his activities, but the man kills himself before Cap can get any information out of him. From the man’s possessions, however, Cap realizes that the spy was working for his archenemy the Red Skull.

Meanwhile, Sub-Mariner, still thinking that the real Dr. Doom is dead, returns to Atlantis to ponder his comatose people. He thwarts an underwater drilling operation whose defeated troops tell him they were sent by an official from Latveria. Namor heads off for that country.

cap and dr doomAt the Latverian Embassy in America, Dr. Doom has sought sanctuary after losing to the Avengers. Captain America traces him there and shows him proof that the Red Skull is launching a takeover of Latveria. The pair set off for that country. 

Meanwhile, in Latveria, the Shroud and Prince Rudolfo are still trying to mobilize enough anti-Doom members of the military and the government to cement Rudolfo’s retaking of the throne. They are defeated by a villain who reveals himself to be the Red Skull.

The Red Skull informs the Shroud and the prince that he is about to use Latverian technology to launch the Fourth Reich by conquering the Earth.

svtu 11SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #11 (April 1977)

Title: Last Stand in Latveria

Synopsis: The Red Skull keeps the Shroud and Prince Rudolfo as prisoners. (I know, only in fiction are villains stupid enough to not kill heroes while they have them helpless in their clutches.) The Skull continues his Villain Rant from last issue, explaining to his captive audience that he has come to Latveria to plunder Victor Von Doom’s technology.

He has found the components necessary to complete the huge hypno-ray that he and his underlings have been constructing on the Moon. Once the Red Skull has finished looting the rest of Victor’s tech, he will return to his moonbase and use the hypno-ray to enthrall every man, woman and child on Earth.

Soon, the aircraft carrying Dr. Doom and Captain America arrives in Latveria. The Red Skull gloats as he has the Shroud watch him use some of Doom’s defenses combined with his own ingenious devices to immediately down the aircraft and render Cap and the Doc helpless. 

red skull movie picBefore the Red Skull can take steps to permanently neutralize Captain America and Dr. Doom, Sub-Mariner arrives. He fights his way through the defenses AND through some of the Red Skull’s troops before the Skull tells his army to stand down.

The Red Skull offers the Sub-Mariner an arrangement. If he and his kingdom of Atlantis remain neutral, he will leave Atlantis alone while he rules the rest of the world. The Shroud reminds Namor that the Red Skull is just as bad as Hitler, whom the Sub-Mariner fought during World War Two.

Doom and Cap try to talk Namor out of siding with the Red Skull, too, and Victor sweetens the pot by vowing to cure Sub-Mariner’s comatose subjects if he restores Cap and Doom’s ability to fight the Skull. Namor agrees, and releases Captain America, Dr. Doom, the Shroud and Prince Rudolfo.

The Red Skull flees his assembled foes and reaches Doom’s throne. Manipulating the throne’s technology, the Skull activates its force field, which keeps Cap, Doom, Subby and the Shroud at bay. Next, the Skull teleports back to his moonbase with the components he looted to complete his hypno-ray.

svtu 12

Luckily, Dr. Doom has the legs to pull off such a short miniskirt.

SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #12 (June 1977)

Title: Death Duel

Synopsis: Because even his own nation of Latveria will become enthralled by the Red Skull’s lunar weapon, Dr. Doom cooperates with Captain America and the Shroud to stop the Nazi war criminal. While Sub-Mariner monitors their efforts from Earth, Cap, Shroud and Doc go into space to take on the Skull and his troops.

While Cap and the Shroud go to destroy the Skull’s hypno-ray in orbit around the moon, Dr. Doom touches down on the moon in his own vessel to deal with the Red Skull. Cap and Shroud succeed in taking out the hypno-ray but the Shroud is seriously injured in the process.

shroud in spacesuitCaptain America rushes back to the Earth to get the Shroud medical attention, hoping that Dr. Doom and the Red Skull will destroy each other, making the world safe from both of them in the future.

Doom’s armor makes him more than a match for everything the Red Skull can throw at him, and when the Skull attacks him with an energized sword, Victor leaves the Nazi pinned under a pile of rubble from a nearby lunar hill. Doc then persuades the Red Skull’s remaining troops to switch allegiance to HIM.

They do so, and they all fly back to Earth in the Red Skull’s own ship, seemingly leaving the Skull to die when his spacesuit’s air runs out, pinned as he is under the rubble. NOTE: Needless to say, the Red Skull didn’t die and returned to menace the world again in the near future.

svtu 13SUPERVILLAIN TEAM-UP Vol 1 #13 (August 1977)

Title: Who Shall Save Atlantis?

Villains: Warlord Krang and the Horror from the Bottomless Depths

Synopsis: An unknown amount of time after the previous issue. The Shroud has recovered and set out on his own superhero career in America. Presently, Dr. Doom and Sub-Mariner are headed for Atlantis so that Doom can make good on his promise to revive Namor’s comatose subjects.

Soon, they are attacked by one of the roving renegade Atlantean Armies, this one led by Sub-Mariner’s old foe Warlord Krang. Namor fights off Krang’s army and their high-tech weapons while Victor goes to the part of Atlantis holding the unconscious Atlanteans to begin trying to revive them.

Eventually, Sub-Mariner defeats all of Krang’s soldiers and closes in on Krang himself. The panicked warlord uses the stolen Imperial Trumpet Horn to summon the deadliest sea beast of them all – the Horror from the Bottomless Depths. 

That enormous creature from Atlantean prehistory answers the summons but is far larger than Krang imagined or can control. Krang slips away in terror while Sub-Mariner fights the beast alone. Not even Namor can control the beast, freed after millenia of sleep.

horror from bottomless depthsBefore long, Sub-Mariner is joined in the fight by some of the revived citizens of Atlantis. Dr. Doom is succeeding in bringing them out of their comas several at a time. Warlord Krang arrives to stop Doom from going any further. He hopes the Horror from the Bottomless Depths will kill Namor for him.

Krang and Dr. Doom fight it out, and while he defeats the warlord and resumes reviving Atlanteans, Sub-Mariner ingeniously uses his powers to send the Horror to the bottom of the Sea of No Return. (That sea was established as an inescapable vortex in Sub-Mariner’s canceled series.)

With the Horror defeated and Krang turned over to Namor for punishment, the entire population of Atlantis, now revived by Victor, rejoice and hail him once again as their monarch. Dr. Doom looks on with a mixture of envy and resentment.

His Latverian subjects regard him with nothing but fear, and the obvious affection between Namor and his people is something he will never know. Doom quietly withdraws from the scene and heads for the surface while Atlantis continues its celebration. 

svtu 15NOTE: And so, with all of the loose ends from Sub-Mariner’s canceled series now wrapped up, Namor was no longer seen in the pages of Supervillain Team-Up.

This series was itself canceled after a few more issues, but those issues featured supervillain tales starring Magneto, Dr. Doom and the Red Skull, plus Arnim Zola, the Exiles and the Hatemonger.




Filed under Superheroes


  1. Oh those super-villains, someone worthy to hate!

  2. They are remarkable villains! Well reviewed 👌


  4. We gottem today. Supervillains. Repullicans & Democrinks. Prevaricators, thieves, and perverts, one and all!

  5. Lulu: “Shocked, yes SHOCKED am I, that Dr. Doom was seemingly killed but actually survived! Well, not that shocked …”

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