Tag Archives: Television Spy (1939)


television spyTELEVISION SPY (1939) – I’ve been reminiscing recently, what with Balladeer’s Blog’s 14th Anniversary just having passed a few days ago. I was reflecting on my long-ago review of the hilariously bad 1935 movie Murder by Television, which starred Bela Lugosi in a dual role.

That flick presented the concept of television as if it would usher in miracles unrealistic enough to make the radar fetishism of the film Radar Secret Service seem low-key and logical. At any rate, I realized I had never gotten around to reviewing two other 1930s movies that looked at the still-developing television concept in melodramatic ways – Television Spy and Trapped by Television (1936).

That 1936 production starring Mary Astor and Lyle Talbot will need to wait, because today is about Television Spy. Part of this film’s charm comes from the inclusion of two up-and-coming players – Anthony F*cking Quinn, (who later dropped that troublesome middle name and became a major star) and Richard Denning himself! Continue reading


Filed under Bad and weird movies