democrats kkkIndependent Voter site Balladeer’s Blog wishes you a happy Juneteenth, marking the day Democrats lost their slaves. (Democrats owned slaves, not Republicans.) African-Americans continue fighting for their freedom from the Democrats, who today treat people of color like they still own them and that they MUST vote for Democrats and ONLY Democrats.

That political party, which I’m ashamed to say I used to belong to years ago, even distorts the Juneteenth holiday. They try fundamentally transforming it into a day when Democrats – the only extant political party which supported slavery and even fought a Civil War over it – can act like they are above reproach while THE REST OF THE COUNTRY shares a guilt The Party pretends to be free from. 

Joe Biden, embodying the grotesque hypocrisy of that detestable political party, EULOGIZED A KLANSMAN – DEMOCRAT SENATOR ROBERT BYRD – yet Biden thinks he’s fit to give finger-wagging lectures to the rest of us. (If this post upsets you, tell the Democrats to stop politicizing Juneteenth by pretending they had nothing to do with slavery, or the Ku Klux Klan, or Jim Crow, etc.)

And y’know what? I’ve managed to go my whole life without ever knowing a Klansman let alone praising them after their death. But a piece of garbage like Joe Biden – whose racial slurs and other incidents of racist behavior are legion – presumes to elevate himself above the nation at large as if he’s some sort of High Priest of Racial Awareness. I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican, so I’m not being partisan when I point out that Joe Biden is the herpes sore on the Body Politic.

Hillary and KKK Robert Byrd

Hillary Clinton with the Klansman she called one of her “mentors” – fellow Democrat Robert Byrd.

In further commemoration of Juneteenth here’s some more reminders about Democrats: the party of slavery, Dred Scott, the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow and so much more. None of us choose the skin color we were born with or what country we were born in but we can certainly choose what political party we are or are not associated with. Do you still choose to belong to the party of the Democrats after all their crimes against humanity? #WALKAWAY and become an Independent Voter .

The hypocritical Democrats love to COMMIT the atrocities that they then go on to blame THE REST OF US FOR! They love to act like THEY can just move on and forget their role in slavery, Japanese internment, the Trail of Tears and so much else, but the rest of the country bears some absurd collective guilt over those things for the rest of eternity. For example …

Hatred and violence are in the DNA of the Democrats.

Imacon Color ScannerTRAIL OF TEARS: Democrat President Andrew Jackson openly ignored a Supreme Court decision and subjected Native Americans to the hardships and large-scale deaths in forcibly moving them along what became infamous as the Trail of Tears.

THE SPOILS SYSTEM: Democrat Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren became synonymous with the Spoils System, under which political hacks would be placed in high positions. Those positions were ideal for graft and other corruption and for abusing authority to force their subordinates to serve the Democrats, NOT the public.

Plantation slavesSLAVERY: Anyone who knows American history knows that the Democrats fought to preserve and extend their beloved “Peculiar Institution” of slavery just as obstinately as they fight today to preserve and extend their beloved Peculiar Institution of getting children of single-digit ages to mutilate their genitals and/or take puberty-blockers. (Which also benefits the pharmaceutical companies that own office holding Democrats.)

Hell, slavery meant SO much to Democrats that they callously divided the nation in a Civil War to try preserving it. In typical Democrat fashion they watched wave after wave of young men die for their hate-filled cause. It would not be the last time. 

Roger B TaneyTHE DRED SCOTT DECISION: In the years leading up to the Civil War DEMOCRAT Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Roger B Taney was responsible for the Dred Scott Decision which claimed that African-Americans were not people and therefore had no rights. Democrats still blame the rest of us for this outrage, too.

THE KU KLUX KLAN: Democrats were so resentful that other Americans freed their slaves that they formed the KKK to torment, terrorize and harass freed African-Americans. A century later they would perfect the practice of pretending moral superiority over the rest of us for what THEIR party was responsible for.    

And yes, Democrats, I know your standard excuse will be “That was a long time ago. We’re better people now.” Well if YOU PEOPLE can say it, then it also applies to THE REST OF US, TOO. So get down off your soap boxes and quit lecturing the rest of us about the “diversity” your political party opposed for so long. 

Jim Crow LawsJIM CROW: Democrats used every underhanded legislative and judiciary trick their bigoted minds could come up with to keep violating the rights of African-Americans. They did this for a century, then gave into the inevitable and embraced the long-active Civil Rights Movement.

Most of the hard and dangerous work in that Civil Rights Movement had already been laid out by the point in the 1960s when the Democrats co-opted it. Over the years, the Democrats would try to take credit for the entire Civil Rights Movement even though THEY were the ones the Civil Rights Movement was FIGHTING for so long. (Martin Luther King, Jr – like Abe Lincoln – was a Republican.)

RACE-BAITING: Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s oft-quoted, less than altruistic remark about the Democrats’ hijacking of credit for the Civil Rights Movement was this: “We’ll have them nigras voting for Democrats for the next two hundred years!”  Indeed the Democrats would, while giving African-Americans precious little in return for their votes.  

Most sickening are the 1960s generation of Democrats who made a hobby out of the real-life suffering that African-Americans went through. Yet, in true Democrat fashion, those pretentious asses now lecture the rest of us about “White Privilege.”

JAPANESE INTERNMENT: Yes, even the WW II internment of the Japanese – ANOTHER outrage that the Democrats love to blame on the rest of America – was done by a Democrat President. Democrat Supreme Court Justices like Hugo Black upheld it. 

ATOMIC BOMBS DROPPED ON HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI: You guessed it – a DEMOCRAT President – Harry S Truman – okayed dropping both bombs.

SEIZURE OF THE STEEL MILLS DURING THE KOREAN WAR: That same Democrat President seized the steel mills during the Korean War when labor trouble threatened steel production.

DISTORTION OF LIBERALISM: Democrats of the 1960s generation distorted Liberalism into a philosophy that was critical ONLY of the Western World.

DISTORTION OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: 1960s Democrats who spend their lives hiding in the prolonged adolescence of the “Academic World” (LMFAO) distorted all levels of the educational system into one big Democrat Voter Drive.

Alleged “teachers” at all levels encourage their students to hate anyone who refuses to obey the Democrats or refuses to do a “loyalty oath” to the Democrat talking points of the moment.

And yes, the Republicans are repulsive, too, but at present they don’t try to present themselves as “the official scolds” of the nation like the sanctimonious fools called Democrats do. +++  


FOR MORE ON LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES CLICK HERE:   https://glitternight.com/category/liberals-and-conservatives/

© Edward Wozniak and Balladeer’s Blog 2017-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Edward Wozniak and Balladeer’s Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. 



Filed under Neglected History, opinion


  1. Pingback: VIDEO Economic & Slavery Issues Preceding the Civil War – SOS by Farmers, Water Shut Off, Banks and Farms Will Fail – NarrowPathMinistries

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