Tag Archives: Gloria Swanson


lap dogs onlyBalladeer’s Blog takes another look at the films of a silent movie star. This time I’m reviewing some of the films featuring trained animal star Teddy the Great Dane aka Teddy the Dog aka Keystone Teddy. From 1915 to 1924 Teddy starred or otherwise appeared in silent shorts as well as feature-length movies.

Rin Tin Tin would have been the obvious canine star to start with, but I prefer going with the lesser-known topics first.

Teddy at the ThrottleTEDDY AT THE THROTTLE (1917) – This Mack Sennett short at Keystone Studios was one of two films in which Teddy actually got his name in the title. In this light-hearted affair the Great Dane plays the pet of THE Gloria Swanson.

Obviously, any silent movie with Gloria in it packs an extra cultural punch due to her much later role as washed-up silent film star Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard. This comedy short has even more of a distinction – Swanson and co-star Wallace Beery were going through a bitter divorce during the filming.

gloria swanson on the railroad trackBeery’s villain character is embezzling money from the romantic leads Gloria Swanson and Bobby Vernon. Teddy, the REAL star, is cute and lively, plus he bravely saves Gloria’s life in the end when Beery ties her to railroad tracks after his villainy is exposed.

Supposedly, after Swanson became a big star she HATED being asked about playing second fiddle to a dog in a series of shorts.
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