two seater biplaneGANGSTER WARFARE FROM THE SKIES – November 12th of 1926 saw the very first aerial bombing on United States soil. It was not a foreign power or terrorist group behind the attack, however.

The bombing was part of a gang war between two rival groups of bootleggers in Williamson County, located in southern Illinois. On one side was the Shelton Gang, led by Bernie, Carl and Earl Shelton. On the other was the Birger Gang, led by Charlie Birger.

birger gang at shady restThe two gangs were fighting it out for control of the bootleg whiskey racket in the area. Being so far away from Chicago and vicinity, the Shelton-Birger War was not well known to the rest of the United States. 

By some accounts, the falling out between the formerly allied gangs resulted over protection payments being made to them by suppliers of bootleg whiskey. When both gangs claimed some of the same bootleggers owed the protection money to them the rift occurred and the bullets flew.

Come November 12th of 1926, the Sheltons decided to bomb the Birger Gang’s headquarters at a roadhouse called Shady Rest. (Insert your own “There’s Uncle Joe/ He’s movin’ kinda slow” joke here.)

The Shelton Gang hired a former World War One and barnstorming pilot with the payment of a stolen car and $1,000.00 (worth $17,714.58 here in 2024). Blackie Ames of the Shelton Gang rode along in the biplane with a supply of dynamite. 

Multiple passes over the Shady Rest – which was made from logs 12 inches thick – were required because Blackie had trouble getting the fuses lit on the sticks of dynamite he brought with him. The bombing attack failed to hit the main building, but damaged the Birger Gang’s cockfighting pit, destroyed some bleachers and killed a few of the unfortunate animals.

Once his dynamite was exhausted, Blackie had the pilot fly back to the field from where they had taken off. The savvy pilot saw several armed members of the Shelton Gang assembled in the area and landed far away from them.

The pilot then got the drop on the hapless Blackie Ames and forced him out of the biplane at gunpoint. Next, the pilot managed to take off again before the running Shelton Gang members could get close enough to stop him.

The failed attack made the Sheltons laughing stocks, with the incident being called “the Comic Opera Bombing.” The laughter became even louder when the Shelton Gang rode to a nearby airfield and shot up a biplane before setting it on fire. It turned out to be the wrong plane.

In January of 1927 the laughter stopped, as the Shady Rest was blown up from a ground bombing, killing four men including the boss Charlie Birger. 


Filed under Neglected History


  1. gwengrant

    What an amazing thing to have happened!


  2. Huilahi

    Another interesting post. I didn’t know that gangs went so far as to engage in plane bombings. That’s crazy. In hindsight, it makes sense though. The 1920’s were a period of prohibition where gangsters often fought to gain control over illegal liquor. There are many great films that have made been made on this subject matter.

    For instance, the post brought to mind the brilliant film “Lawless”. It tells story of a gang of bootleggers fighting over alcohol that come into conflict with their town’s sheriff. The gangs often engage in bombings in the film. Definitely worth watching especially if you are interested in the time period. Here’s why I adored it:

    “Lawless” (2012) – Movie Review

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