book of adamskiGEORGE ADAMSKI (April 17th, 1891 – February 26th, 1965) occupied a special place in the history of cults. In 1936 he claimed to represent the Royal Order of Tibet and preached “its teachings” in California (where else).

In the 1940s Adamski became interested in UFO reports and readjusted his Royal Order of Tibet teachings a bit. He then insisted he was in touch with Space Brothers whose philosophy he was revealing to the public. (Imagine if L. Ron Hubbard and this guy had joined forces!)

george adamskiThe readjustments started after George Adamski published Pioneers of Space in 1949, a general look at the infant Flying Saucer phenomenon, and in 1952 he claimed to be in telepathic content with a being from Venus. Claims of additional contacts followed, including hieroglyphic writings from the Venusian.

Working with Leslie Desmond, Adamski published Flying Saucers Have Landed in 1953. He became a famous lecturer on UFOs and extraterrestrials and established his new following of suckers disciples.

Among the many dubious claims that George made was that in 1947 he saw 184 UFOs fly over him, and that the government had tracked a spaceship to the dark side of the moon. He also stated that scientists were aware that all planets had lifeforms more advanced than humans.

Elaborating on his earlier claim of telepathic contact with a Venusian in 1952, Adamski stated he met the alien in person and it revealed to him that many Venusians were already living in disguise among Earthlings. They wanted to guide humanity to enlightenment because our violent ways and nuclear tests were threatening the harmony of the universe.

adamski talkingGeorge went on to claim that several high-placed figures in governments and militaries around the world were secretly supporters of his as he preached the ET philosophy to try saving humanity. Adamski said he secretly met with the Pope, President John F. Kennedy and several U.N. officials.

The colorful cult leader even boasted that he had been flown via UFO to Saturn, where he took part in an interplanetary conference. The gullible fell for Adamski’s spiel in droves, and he did a triumphant world tour in 1959.

George published Cosmic Philosophy in 1961 (remember those Venusian hieroglyphics) and his ever-growing fame attracted charges of fraud. The cult leader’s absurd claims about conditions on other planets were torn apart, as were some of his boasts regarding sightings and his high-powered acquaintances. 

Accusations of antisemitism and Nazi leanings were leveled as well, especially regarding Adamski’s claims that every alien he encountered was white, blonde and beautiful. The cult leader was also accused of faking his UFO photographs as well as basing the Venusian hieroglyphics on obscure scholarly works.

The soaring popularity of science fiction, including many works from before George started his Space Brothers schtick, made it easy for the public to see how so many of Adamski’s “teachings” were recycled themes from sci fi writings.   

George passed away in 1965, but still has followers, believe it or not. 


Filed under Mythology, opinion


  1. Colorful sounds like a good descriptive word for him.

  2. Have you ever listened to George Noory on Coast to Coast AM? He is fascinating sometimes. He talks a lot about this and makes very good sense.

  3. You and I both know nearly half the US population is made up of aliens and for lack of effective interplanetary and other immigration prohibitions, will soon be well over half, cruising up to seventy-five to eighty percent. Easy to see who is who for the language, manner of dress, and [to us] social aberrations these aliens sport. Looking like the un-alien of us should look for as new place to stay, in effect become immigrants ournseves. Last Texan leaving, please turn out the lights.

    Delightful read [is it ever anything but?] and it sure gets the old greys working.

  4. Huilahi

    An excellent article. I have never heard of George Adamski but your article did make me want to learn more about him. I’ve always had an interest in UFOs that have been depicted in popular culture. I just find the idea behind UFO’s to be so creepy. I’ve also enjoyed movies which have captured grim dangers which are posed by flying saucers.

    For instance, your post brought to mind the fantastic horror film “Nope”. It tells a story of a pair of friends whose house in the American West is threatened with a creepy UFO. If you are a fan of UFOs, this film is well worth a watch. Here’s why I recommend it:

    "Nope" (2022)- Movie Review

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