biden bloodHere’s what will apparently be an annual post for as long as demagogues insist on pretending there was an “insurrection” (LMAO) on January 6th, 2021. Uh. Yeah. No guns, no police officers killed (despite Joe Biden’s absurd claims otherwise) and the Capitol building’s doors were OPENED for the trespassers by the authorities, as shown on film.

And remember, NOTHING THAT HAPPENED ON JANUARY SIXTH COULD HAVE PUT TRUMP BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Learn something about how your own government works, anti-Trump fascists! At any rate, here we go again: 

biden riots in dc


The overwrought propaganda of Biden supporters on this date has me laughing VERY hard. They theatrically pretend that the mass trespassing incident of January 6th, 2021 was “worse than the Civil War and the 9-11 attacks.” What disingenuous garbage.

Their monumental and hilarious political hypocrisy is on full display in Washington DC as Democrats engage in political theater while pretending to revere the Capitol Building and its “symbolism.” (LMAO) Before I became an Independent Voter I spent most of my life as a Democrat and believe me, they feel contempt for the Capitol and its “symbolism”, even calling it one of the “institutions of imperialist rule” and “the seat of White Supremacy and systemic racism in America.”

Democrats also despise people who DO revere the Capitol and its symbolism, dismissing them as simple-minded patriotic rednecks.

Nancy Pelosi demagogueOn January 6th, 2021, a “mostly peaceful protest” (as Democrats described the MONTHS-LONG Antifa riots which terrorized the country) at the Capitol turned into a chaotic mass-trespassing incident with the Democrats of the Capitol Police even killing an unarmed woman. Suddenly, Democrat pretensions that they revered the Capitol poured from the mouths of the demagogues of the Democrat Party.

Hey, let’s rename it “the Demagogue Party”. After all, the Democrat Party is the country’s oldest existing institution which launched a Civil War and fought for slavery, so a name change for that political party is LONG overdue. Okay, so they won’t rename themselves the Demagogue Party, but they should rename it something to distance themselves from the Democrat Party’s horrifically racist past.

capitol bombing 1983Anyway, Democrats felt that their OWN storming of the Capitol was fine back on October 4th, 2018, even though THEY WERE INTERFERING WITH ONE OF THOSE GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS WHICH THEY NOW PRETEND SHOULD BE SACROSANCT. Democrats/ the left cheered on that activity. And let’s not forget the way the left literally set off a BOMB in the Capitol on November 7th, 1983. Also HERE. A million dollars (by 1983 standards, so much more today) in damage was done.

Most adults are above the fake tears and the fear-mongering which truly pathetic Democrat members of Congress are indulging in regarding January 6th. The Democrats will probably never lose their competitive edge in phoniness and manufactured emotion, so non-Democrats – as in Independents, Third Party Voters, Republicans and People Who Claim No Political Affiliation, in other words THE REST OF US – will always need to remain highly skeptical of any and all political theater from them. 

Kenosha democrat riotIn May 2020 when the White House was violently attacked for about 24 hours and many secret service agents were seriously injured, Biden and other Democrats said Trump “used tear gas against peaceful protestors” even though it’s been proven that he DIDN’T use tear gas on those “peaceful protestors.” Listen to those Democrat hypocrites today and the draconian measures they now recommend against civil disobedience!
The night of May 31st, 2020 rioters set fires all over the capital of the United States. A mob of them gathered outside the White House and threatened to storm it. The president was said to have been moved to a bunker. Many Democrats laughed at him and supported the mob. Never mind that the safety of the president, as a symbol of America and self-governance, goes beyond individual or party and should never be a laughing matter, like Democrats are now sniveling about the Capitol.
Who knows? Some day the January 6th protestors may be looked on as the victims of governmental authoritarianism, like the Bonus Marchers of long ago. Nobody knows how events will be viewed decades and centuries from now, no matter how much Democrats pretend that they do with their ridiculous “right side of history” nonsense.

biden riots pic 

Anti-Trump fascists have sunk lower than ever over this. In 2020 we had MONTHS of Democrat mobs rioting and starting fires and causing literally BILLIONS of dollars of damage and the loss of lives while the media and Democrat political figures cheered them on. Biden’s organization as well as several celebrities even PAID BAIL to get their fascist rioters back out on the streets for more mayhem. (Kamala Harris and 13 Biden staffers even donated money to a bail fund for rioters in Minneapolis and encouraged other people to do so, ballooning the fund up into the millions.)

Stop Democrat Violence

When Harris was on The Late Show she praised the Biden mobs, saying “They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.”



manufactured jan 6 outrage


Filed under LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES, Neglected History, opinion

14 responses to “JANUARY SIXTH-A-PALOOZA: 2023

  1. Americaoncoffee

    Well stated!

  2. Pingback: JANUARY SIXTH-A-PALOOZA: 2023 – El Noticiero de Alvarez Galloso

  3. Congratulations on 3k followers 🎊🎊
    Happy new year 🎊
    Writing is very beautiful

  4. Pingback: VIDEO Same Gang: Robert Mueller Agents/Lawyers Are Jack Smith Agents/Lawyers – Clinton Foundation – SCOTUS Oral Arguments on Trump Colorado Ballot Inclusion – NarrowPathMinistries

  5. Excellent post! More than likely, we will see more Democratic Party violence in 2024, leading up to Election Day.

  6. Pingback: VIDEO Same Gang: Robert Mueller Agents/Lawyers Are Jack Smith Agents/Lawyers – Clinton Foundation – SCOTUS Oral Arguments on Trump Colorado Ballot Inclusion – NarrowPathMinistries

  7. Pingback: VIDEO Same Gang: Robert Mueller Agents/Lawyers Are Jack Smith Agents/Lawyers – Clinton Foundation – SCOTUS Oral Arguments on Trump Colorado Ballot Inclusion – NarrowPathMinistries

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