Here’s a look at May’s best as Balladeer’s Blog’s annual end of year retrospective continues.

cassandra crossing posterTHE CASSANDRA CROSSING (1976) – My review of this hilariously bad disaster movie starring Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, Martin Sheen and O.J. Simpson. Passengers on a train are exposed to a deadly virus because of terrorists. Click HERE.

FIVE HUNDRED YEARS HENCE (1818) – This work of “ancient” science fiction presented a look at the United States, England, Canada and Mexico in the year 2318. Covers the social, political and economic state of the world as well as scientific advances like space travel. Click HERE.

BOOK OF THE DUN COW PART TEN – The final part of my review of this treasure trove of Celtic myths with both pagan and Christian material. Features accounts of the deaths of five major Irish heroes as well as many myths about the legendary figure Mongan. Click HERE.

grips on coverGRIPS: ONE OF THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL SUPERHEROES EVER – From 1986-1992 Grips, a combination of Wolverine and the Punisher, had ultra-violent and otherwise adult adventures in Kris Silver’s independent publications. Only Faust exceeded Grips in the 80s and 90s, and artist Tim Vigil worked on both series. Must be read to be believed. Click HERE.   

SIXTEEN MEDAL OF HONOR WINNERS FROM THE SPANISH AMERICAN WAR (1898) – A Memorial Day look at several white and black honorees from that long-ago conflict. Click HERE.

eve in avmpA VERY MISSING PERSON (1972) – Eve Arden starred as amateur sleuth Hildegarde Withers from a series of mystery novels. Hildegarde solves a murder involving high-level figures in New York City. Also includes my review of the 1930s movies about the character. Click HERE.


PETER PAN IN KENSINGTON GARDENS – J.M. Barrie’s often forgotten, ORIGINAL version of the Peter Pan character from 1902. Peter is younger and an enchanted version of Kensington Gardens serves as his “Neverland”. Click HERE

esther and jean marshMOMMA THE DETECTIVE (1981) – A Mother’s Day look at this made for tv movie about Esther Rolle as an amateur detective who solves a high society murder. Think of shows like McMillan and Wife, The Snoop Sisters, etc. Click HERE.

JUSTICE SOCIETY/ JUSTICE LEAGUE TEAMUPS: 1980-1984 – The two teams take on the likes of Darkseid, the Secret Society of Supervillains, and the interstellar menace called the Commander. Click HERE.

THE DURHAM REPORT – I bash both major political parties while covering the report’s revelations. Click HERE.

pray for the wPRAY FOR THE WILDCATS (1974) – Incredibly bad movie starring William Shatner, Andy Griffith, Robert Reed and Marjoe Gortner as they encounter murder and rape while motorcycling on the Baja Peninsula. Angie Dickinson and others play their love interests. Click HERE.


THE TEXAS NAVY – The Republic of Texas’ navy and its role in the 1830s Texas War of Independence and the early years of the Republic. Click HERE.

a nation thatNEWS, MEMES AND POLITICAL CARTOON ROUNDUP: May 3rd HERE, May 9th HERE, May 15th HERE, May 19th HERE, May 23rd HERE, and May 30th HERE.  

POWER MAN II – My second look at Luke Cage’s 1970s stories as he takes on Black Goliath, X, Cockroach Hamilton, Piranha Jones, Stiletto & Discus, plus the original, villainous Power Man who worked for Baron Zemo. Click HERE.



Filed under opinion

10 responses to “BEST OF MAY 2023

  1. Shatner, Griffith, Gortner, and Reed – what an improbable cast. And what a decidedly crappy movie. Fine read this morning, Bub.

  2. PRAY FOR THE WILDCATS–“Incredibly bad movie starring William Shatner”. Well, yeah. Shatner?

  3. It’s fun sometimes to watch a really bad movie like Cassandra Crossing just to enjoy the cheesy badness of it!

  4. Huilahi

    Great reviews as always. Cassandra Crossing actually sounded at first as interesting to me. Trains are powerful machines that have in the past made for memorable movies. For instance, one of the best movies ever made set entirely on a train is “Strangers on a Train”. This was a suspense masterpiece made by Alfred Hitchcock in the 1950s. Despite being a film of a bygone era, it hadn’t aged and holds up rather well. If you’re a fan of Hitchcock, it’s definitely worth watching.

    Here’s why I recommend it:

    “Strangers on a Train” (1951) – Movie Review

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