Hawaiian mythology as a subset of Polynesian mythology will be the subject I tackle here. I will be examining many of the Polynesian Island groups separately in the near future, some with full pages of their own, but to whet everyone’s appetites I figured I would start out with a Top 11 list looking at the major Hawaiian deities. 

NEW – This list was so popular I did a sequel with eleven more Hawaiian deities – when you’re done with this list click here:  hawaiian-mythology-2/

Shinto Myth –









11. KAMOHOALI’LI – Hawaiian shark god who was the chief of the many lesser shark deities in the Hawaiian pantheon. Kamoho was the brother of the fire goddess Pele and was considered the guardian god of the Hawaiian Islands. He alone of all Pele’s relatives tried to aid her when she was seeking to avoid her marriage to the boar god Kamapua’a.

Kamoho also ruled over the shark-men, or “were-sharks” as I call them. These beings were greedy humans cursed by Kamoho to periodically transform into sharks. They could be recognized by the large shark tattoos that Kamoho branded onto their backs.    

10. MILU – The goddess who ruled over the subterranean land of the dead which shared her name. A cave led to her realm and the mouth of this cave was guarded by two gigantic lizards. The association of lizards with the land of the dead came from the way lizards often feed on flies and if there’s one thing dead bodies do it’s attract flies.

Milu would punish the souls of the wicked by feeding them on flies and beetles, then devour them after cooking them in her eternally burning oven. Some confusion exists because Milu is depicted as male in some myths.   

9. KAHOALI – The god of sorcerors and sorcery. His favorite drink was kava served with a human eyeball in it (shaken not stirred, I’m assuming). He could construct wood, stone or coral figures and then bring them to life to do his bidding. Kahoali’s wife was Paluhu, the sorcery goddess of the island of Moloka’i.

His priest was always greatly feared and was permitted to eat with the chiefesses and one of his priests was noted for his Rasputin-like influence over King Kamehameha I. Kahoali’s nemesis was the god Lono, the one deity who could cure all harm inflicted by the sorcery god.

8. HAUMEA – Hawaiian mother-goddess who was prayed to by midwives attending at the birth of children. The kinkiest myth about her involves the way she would take a man as a mate, have children with him, then when those sons were old enough to procreate she would restore her own youth and have children with those sons. She would repeat the process with the sons she had through those children and so on and so on, generation after generation.

Sometimes she is associated with the primordial Earth goddess Papa, the wife of Rangi the sky god. Another famous myth about her involves her ownership of a grove of enchanted trees. One of them produced fish the way other trees produce fruit. She gave this tree to humans with the warning to never shake the tree to get fish to fall but instead wait for the fish to ripen and fall on their own.

Naturally this warning was ignored, the tree was shaken by impatient humans and all the fish fell from the tree, escaping into the sea from which humans now have to work to fish them up

7. KAMAPUA’A – The warlike god of wild boars and the husband of the fire goddess Pele. In his human form he was a handsome warrior armed with a mace but when the battle- lust was upon him his snout became tusked and hog-like and he was virtually uncontrollable. For a quick pop culture reference think of him as a combination of Wolverine and the Incredible Hulk when he’s enraged. 

Other qualities he shared with the wild boars he was the lord of were the ability to use his snout to dig up edible roots and find underground springs. The many myths in his saga involve his evil step-father’s attempts to have him killed as a child , his slaying of the dog-man creature Kuilio and his wanderings from island to island, marrying the daughters of chiefs and fighting their father’s enemies.

Inevitably his volatile nature would antagonize his fathers-in- law and he would flee to another locale. His final marriage was to the goddess Pele. He bested all her other suitors at the contests held for her hand but she still refused to marry him until her family intervened on his behalf.

6. LAKA – Fertility and reproduction goddess. This wife of the god Lono was also considered the goddess of love and beauty. She is credited with inventing the hula dance and is sometimes identified with Pele’s sister, the goddess Hi’i’aka but most often is considered a separate deity.

The red lehua blossom is sacred to Laka and is among the flowers used to decorate her shrine, kuahu, in the halau temple. The hymns sung during hula dances are also dedicated to Laka. To avoid confusion be aware that in other Polynesian Island groups there is a Laka who is a male hero of a popular epic myth.

This male Laka is also known as Rata since consonant pronunciation varies from island group to island group. That is why Kane is also known as Tane, Pele is also known as Pere, Ku is also known as Tu, Hina is also known as Sina, Lono is also known as Rongo, Tahiti is pronounced Kahiki in Hawai’i, etc.  

5. KU – The Hawaiian god of war. Ku wields a fiery mace that burns with the souls of the gods, demons and mortals he has personally slain in combat. Ku, like his brothers Kane and Lono, was a child of the sky god Rangi and the Earth goddess Papa.

Ku’s prowess in battle was responsible for saving all the deities in the Hawaiian pantheon after the separation of Papa and Rangi caused a massive assault by the storm god Apuhau.

Next, when another of his brothers, the sea god Kanaloa (also called Tangaroa in other Polynesian island groups) launched a war against his fellow deities it was  again Ku who prevailed against him (though the conflict caused the submergence of Havaiki, the mythical home island of all the Polynesian peoples, an event that supposedly caused their  massive nautical migration to various island groups). Human sacrifices were offered to Ku at heiau temples.     

4. LONO – The god of cultivated, agrarian foods, especially the kumara or sweet potato. In the early days following the separation of Rangi and Papa Lono used a net to fish up the sun and the moon from the seas and set them in orbit.

When it came time to create humans he supplied the fertile soil to create them, his brother Ku sculpted the bodies and their oldest brother Kane breathed life into them. Lono liked to descend from the heavens on a rainbow and surf (Many figures in Hawaiian mythology surf. How can you NOT love that?) which is how he met and married the mortal woman Kaikilani.

Her beauty was so intense that he was frequently jealous and on one occassion was so convinced she had been unfaithful that he struck her down with his godly powers. Repenting of this act he wandered the island mourning her and in her memory instituted the Makahiki festival that lasts from October to February – rainy season.

The rains are said to be Lono’s tears over the loss of Kaikilani (though other myths say they are Rangi’s tears over being separated from his wife Papa). He later married the goddess Laka.   

3. KANE – The chief of the Hawaiian trinity, which also consists of his brothers Lono and Ku. In contrast to Lono being the deity of cultivated foods, Kane was the god of wild foods and plants like trees, etc. He was also the god of the forests and jungles with all their gifts like wood, medicinal plants and leaves, etc.

When the close proximity and constant lovemaking of Papa and Rangi was preventing the birth of all the deities who had formed in Papa’s womb Kane was the god who separated them by growing upward like the trees he is the lord of, keeping  Earth and sky separated and allowing himself and all his siblings to be born (though one lone deity, Luau, remained in Papa’s womb and his stirring is the cause of earthquakes).

After death virtuous souls would go to Hunamoku, Kane’s paradisal island in the clouds. In some myths Hunamoku is also the home of all the heavenly gods, sort of like Asgard in Teutono- Norse myth and Mt Olympus in Graeco-Roman myth. Kane was a generally benevolent deity and human sacrifices were never offered to him. Kane is the father of Pele and in various myths owns a seashell which when placed in the water grows into a boat for travel between the islands.

2. MAUI – Sort of a Polynesian Hercules in some respects, this mighty demigod is also a trickster deity and a sun god. When Maui felt the sun that Lono fished up out of the sea moved too quickly across the sky, making the days too short, he physically attacked the sun, beating it and taming it like a beast and forcing it to move more slowly so that humans would have longer days to finish their work in. (In some versions he first lassoes the sun with  vines from cocoanut trees)

Other feats he is credited with are: a) pushing the sky up even further above the Earth than it originally was when Kane first separated Papa and Rangi , b) slaying a giant eight-eyed bat, c) giving humans fire by stealing flames from the eternally burning oven of Milu, the death-goddess, d) fishing up various Polynesian island groups with his massive strength, including the Hawaiian island that bears his name, e) transforming his brother-in- law into the first dogs, f) saving his sister, the moon goddess Hina, from the eel god Tetuna and his legion of sea monsters, then marrying her himself and g) creating shrimp from his own blood.

Maui’s final adventure involved his failed attempt to gain immortality for humanity. This myth also has solar overtones and goes as follows: the sun that Lono fished up was swallowed each night by Milu and traveled across her subterranean realm, lighting it the way it did the Earth during the daylight hours. Each morning the sun emerged from Milu’s vagina and started its journey across the Earth, and so on and so on.

Maui made a wager with Milu that if he could enter through her vagina right after the sun emerged at daybreak and then race his way across her realm, emerging from her mouth before the sun could set in it, then she would let human beings live forever. The wager was accepted and Maui raced with the sun, fighting his way through many perils and  menaces in Milu.

Unfortunately, before he could reach the mouth of the land of death the sun was entering through it, bringing daybreak to Milu and waking the goddess herself from her daytime slumber (in many versions the “sunrise” in the land of the dead prompts a bird to sing, waking Milu up). Maui lost the bet, so humans were still doomed to die, and in some versions Milu forced Maui to spend eternity with her in her gloomy kingdom.

1. PELE – The Hawaiian fire and volcano goddess, as dangerous and uncontrollable as the elements she ruled over. I placed her at number one because she is the most truly Hawaiian of deities, with no counterpart in other Polynesian island groups except in Tahiti, where she is called Pere, and may have been unknown even there until the era of European exploration of the Pacific Ocean.

Her volatile nature prompted her father Kane to dismiss her from the heavens, so she wandered the Earth, creating the world’s volcanoes until finally establishing her home on Mount Kilauea on the Big Island. Another indicator of Pele’s importance in the Hawaiian pantheon is the fact that Mount Kilauea is the Axis Mundi in Hawaiian belief. (My fellow mythology geeks will get the significance of that)

Pele and her sister Hi’i’aka were both in love with the mortal Prince Lohiau of the island of Kaua’i in a famous epic myth. For a detailed look at that epic click HERE  

Pele’s mother was said to be Haumea in some versions. Her father Kane at one point passed his sovereignty over the Menehune, the Hawaiian version of elves and dwarves, to Pele. The fire goddess eventually married the war-like wild boar god Kamapua’a, who had bested all her other suitors when her father Kane offered up her hand in marriage in an attempt to settle her tumultuous nature.

Pele still refused to be married and fled, but none of her family would risk Kane’s displeasure by hiding her except her brother Kamoho, the shark god. Eventually Kane, as chief of the gods, ordered Kamoho to stop shielding Pele.

Pele then attacked Kamapua’a personally when he came to claim his bride, but, with help from Kane and other gods, Kamapua’a succeeded in surviving her attack and the two were married. The union tamed both of their violent natures and they fell deeply in love with each other. Their son, Opelu, the god of thieves and doctors, became the ancestor of the ruling chiefs of the Hawaiian Islands.     FOR ELEVEN MORE HAWAIIAN DEITIES CLICK HERE:

© Edward Wozniak and Balladeer’s Blog, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Edward Wozniak and Balladeer’s Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Filed under Mythology


  1. I really liked this article. I enjoy learning about the mythology in tribal cultures and I didn’t know about any of these! You’ve enriched me. That’s aloha spirit.

    • Thank you for this nice comment! Glad to hear it! I’m sure people are sick of me repeating my blog’s motto – “Singing the praises of things that slip through the cultural cracks” but it pretty much captures my blogging philosophy. When someone tells me they were previously unfamiliar with something I’ve covered here it makes my day. (I know, I’m a dork, but what can I say?)
      If you missed it, and if you’re not well-versed in Shinto mythology I did a list of their major deities, too, here –

  2. Dan

    Not a bad start. I might’ve included Wakea the Sky Father, or Papahanaumoku, the Earth Mother who gives birth to the islands… and although you’ve listed Pele, you’ve left out Poliahu, the goddess of snow, and her sisters Waiau, goddess of the bottomless waters, and Lilinoe, goddess of the mist.

    • Thanks for the comment! I did include Papahanaumoku under the shorter name Papa, taking my cue from Shinto myths where they cut the more tongue-twisting names down to something more manageable.
      Plus I plan on covering those other dieties in the next Hawaiian list I do. I keep my lists short now since link dumps are sometimes reluctant to link to something they consider “too much reading”.

      • Tanya

        This is a very interesting site. I commend you on your research. However, please try not to “cut down” the complicated Hawaiian names. The Hawaiian language is very particular in that one word may have several different meanings depending on the way it is said. Your name “Kamoho” is incorrect implying that the name of the shark god is that of a flightless bird. The correct and only name would be Kamohoali’i.

      • Thank you very much, Tanya. I appreciate the thoughtful response! I corrected Kamoho because I agree, cutting his name down that much does tend to distort the meaning too much.

        I do continue to employ the practice of shortening the names to help mae things easier for readers and for general pronunciation aloud which can discourage people from taking an interest in a pantheon if there are too many syllables to tackle in each name. Even the Japanese pursue this approach with their Shinto deities, where “Uzume” is an accepted shortening of the goddess whose full name is “Ame-No-Uzume-more-and-more-and-more, etc. And for Amaterasu herself, whose name would be “Amaterasu-no-kami-and-more-and-more-and-more, etc.

        I do accept that some people may prefer different shortenings, like with the Shinto storm god. I use the name “Susanowo” but some places shorten it even further to “Susano”. There is never any disrespect of the subject implied in any of this, I just like to make pronunciations less intimidating. And since I also examined Samoan deities and will be examining the gods of other Polynesian Island groups I throw in the interchangeable names for some for easy cross-referencing when the others are up. (See my cross-referencing of the Samoan goddess Sina with the Hawaiian Hina, the Samoan Ti’i Ti’i with the Hawaiian Maui, and others. I add comments about how Ti’i Ti’i comes from the long version of Maui’s name Maui-Ti’i Ti’i and-more-and-more.

  3. andrew

    You have no idea how long I have been looking for a breakdown on Hawaiian gods like this. thank you

  4. Pingback: Tweets that mention THE TOP ELEVEN DEITIES IN HAWAIIAN MYTHOLOGY « Balladeer's Blog --

  5. Carol G

    Really loved learning about Hiiaka. I think this list is better than your first Hawaiian one.

  6. I am very impressed with what you do here. These deities sound as majestic as the Twelve Olympians and deserve the wider exposure you’re giving them.

  7. Todd

    I added you to my favorites! I love these myths that people don’t cover very much.

  8. What a wonderful and exotoc world of underappreciated myths you’ve opened up for people here. I’ve ordered several books on Hawaiian myths now that I know they have such a rich heritage.

  9. Penny

    I thought this was a joke but I looked them up and these gods really exist. Love learning all the hidden topics u cover

  10. I am really enjoying these obscure gods you dig up. Everybody else just gets stuck on Greek or Egyptian myths.

  11. This is all so awesome! I really liked ur Korean and Vietnamese myth stuff 2! The Hawaiian gods are as cool as the Egyptians.

  12. Pingback: THE TOP ELEVEN DEITIES IN HAWAIIAN MYTHOLOGY (via Balladeer’s Blog) « Your God Is Loony

  13. Great to read this. These gods and godeses are as interesting as any others from the world.

  14. Susan

    The Hawaiian culture considers this mythology the geneology of the Hawaiian people. It begins with a creation story that is in some ways similar to the biblical story of creation. Then the dieties appear, and then the chiefs, and the common people. It is amazingly complicated. Now, the further back you can remember (and recite) your geneology, the higher your status.

    • I love how that ties in with some theories which state that all mythology around the world began as geneology of the earliest families of the region, with those figures and their deeds becoming so embellished over time that they were regarded as gods. It nicely fits in with ancestor worship in many cultures, too. Thank you for this thought-provoking addition to the discussion!

  15. Neesha G

    Ooooooh! Can I call you the Hawaiian Homer? This is totally off the hook and I want more of these, not just the gods you’ve done so far. How about a book?

  16. THANK YOU for subscribing to and “liking” my new blog . . . I’m literally just getting started but oh my your site is unbelievable?! Are you a full-time blogger? Professor? What I’ve read so far is incredibly thorough and such a diverse range of topics . . . wow!

    PS I lived in Hawaii as a child and learned the basic history of the islands but the only deity I was aware of was Pele. You are a treasure!


    • Thank YOU for this nice comment! I’m blushing now! I’m just a part-time blogger, but I love writing about the topics I’m interested in. I’m glad I was able to let you know about some Hawaiian deities that aren’t better known! If you like my blog please tell your friends! If you are a fan of reruns of the original Hawaii 5-0 television series you can tell them “Balladeer’s Blog. Be there. Aloha”

  17. Lorenzo P.

    I really loved your info on Maui and I can’t wait for you to hit other Polynesian Islands. Which ones count as Polynesian?

    • Thank you! Well, Tahiti counts as do the Samoan Islands, the Society Islands, New Zealand counts through the Maori people who live there, plus several other islands are included.

  18. Angie


  19. Pingback: Shirley

  20. Seema

    I am originally from India and I am enjoying reading about all these gods that don’t get attention.

  21. Susan W

    Excellent! This is my favorite of all your mythology posts. You have a real gift for describing these topics.

  22. Karen

    Incredible work you’ve done here. Very well-researched. It’s so nice to hear about something else than Greek or Egyptian gods.

  23. Pingback: Mythos Monday: Aloha Hawaii! | Shéa MacLeod, Author – Everything's Better With Dragons

  24. u have the most details on Maui’s aventure with Milu and racing the sun.

    • Thanks! It took some digging to come up with the full story and not just the metaphorical shorthand version that most books have.

  25. You give Pele the respect she deserves! Blessings be upon you!

  26. VioletRose

    Umm do you mind if I use your picture of Pele for a design contest for deviantArt? I’ll give you full credit for the picture….I had a really cool idea for the t-shirt design but I’m not exactly the best at drawing. i can show you what I had in mind for the design before I submit it to see what you think

    • I just got this as a library pic. I don’t own it but that was nice of you to ask!

      I like the DeviantArt site, especially around Halloween.

  27. How can I find out who owns the picture of Pele? I’d like to get permission to use it in a web video. Thanks! -Julia

  28. So interesting! I think they are even more interesting than Greek gods.

  29. Kahoali is a cool god for Halloween!

  30. I think Maui could kick Thor’s butt!

  31. You have brought Pele to any new devotees. May the Goddess smile upon your work here.

  32. My students will love this article! This is the best I’ve ever read about Hawaiian gods and goddesses.

  33. T his artical on the top 11 Deities in Hawian mythology is truely remarkable. I was wondering if i could use this with yor permition in two of my facebook groups i would greatly apreciate this THANKS

  34. Wonderful information on these Hawaiian deities!


  36. Pele is my new favorite goddess!

  37. kathi

    I’m sorry I did print out a section on the gods only because my mother is in a care home with no access to this article and I had to show her it. This is her pleasure in life as she gets to meet the different gods she lives among here in the islands. I hope i’m not in trouble for the printing but i’m sure one of these gods will show me kindness and forgive me. Mahalo nui loa

  38. Pingback: Hukoo

  39. Maui is my new favorote!

  40. Kamapuaa is my favorite!

  41. 808kon3

    This is one good article bradda. Aloha

  42. Hello you have a fantastic blog over here! Thanks for posting this interesting information for us! If you keep up this great work I’ll visit your site again. Thanks!

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  44. Excleent look at these gods!

  45. Never knew Hawaiian gods were so fuckin cool!

  46. Suzi

    wow this stuff is amazing. i would luv to make a pretend theme park on these gods and goddesses.

  47. What about Mako? Is he another aspect of the shark god listed here? I’ve only heard him called Mako… Makes it hard to write a story with him when I can’t find him as ‘Mako’!

    • As far as I’m aware Mako is often part of the technical species name of a variety of sharks. I have never encountered that name as an alternate name for any of the shark deities, not even in other Polynesian Island groups.

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  67. Completely on point! Thanks for the great website you’ve created.

  68. Thanks for the info! As a well known Artist working in Kailua-Kona I’ve been exploring Hawaiian mythology. Many people in the tourist industry have a strong resistance to ancient Hawaiian culture. I think this comes from a “don’t scare the tourists” attitude. To talk about Hawaiian mythology, which is rich and deep and as wonderful as any mythology from any other culture, we have to acknowledge that a pagan religion (which involved human sacrifice) was prcaticed here. Right here on what is now United States soil. Sure the pagan belief system was brought down by Queen Kaʻahumanu in 1819, but many still have problems reconciling modern religion with the old practice of worshiping of wooden idols. Plus many locals still have very strong beliefs which go all the way back to their proud and beautiful ancient heritage. It has to be said that Queen Kaʻahumanu was an amazing fore thinker on Woman’s rights, and society in general. She was king Kamehaeha’s favorite wife. Upon his death she took power, and ruled as “kuhina nui” or co-regent or prime minister through the next two kings. She changed Hawaiian culture forever. Still, I paint “Tiki Culture” Art or what has been called “Out sider Art” in Europe, or Poly-pop-surrealism, and I find resistance from folks who own galleries and stores who say “Tiki is dead” – which is totally NOT the truth any where but in Hawaii! Oh when will we stop fearing the colorful and amazing past history of these islands?!

    • Thanks for the kind words! I like that info on Kamehameha’s widow. I did not know that about her.
      That situation with the Hawaiian art galleries sounds frustrating.

  69. oldmanparker

    Still, now-a-days modern Hawaii seems torn by loving it’s rich heritage, and it’s fear of not seeming modern. “Silly!” I say! Hawaiian mythology is as rich as Greek Mythology which every school boys learns about. However, it seems NO ONE knows about Hawaiian mythology. Which was created RIGHT HERE in our own back yard. Still we seem to ignore it, or worse yet pretend it never happened!

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  73. Very interesting! Never knew hawaiian myths were so awesome!

  74. Very very awesome! I love yr approach to myths

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  78. seo


  79. These gods and goddesses are so exciting!

  80. Dude this is the best stuff I ever found about Hawaiian gods!

  81. Loved your defense of these figures as gods!

  82. Kuʻulei Kihoi

    I don’t know if you would want to call these the “top gods”. Majority of these are kupua or demigods. I wouldn’t consider them the top, perhaps “some of the famous deities”. The MAIN deities would probably be Kū, Kāne, Kanaloa, Lono, Haumea, and Hina, maybe even Laʻi ( since she’s the first goddess in the Kumulipo). Which all, in exception of Laʻi are children from Papahanaumoku and Wākea and the majority of the other 40,000 other gods derive from those children. Just a little bit more research and maybe a name change but I applaud for your effort.

  83. Nobody cares about these stupid gods.


  85. These gods are really awesome!

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  93. I think Lucas is, he is perfect for her, unlike Derek he change her emoshions and she might even have strange feelings cuz he is controling her feelings.Lucas is great strong and caring he wrote her letters so i think Lucas is perfect

  94. Pingback: Hawaiian deities – swordwhale

  95. Cada vez que nos necesites ahí estaremos con la profesionalidad del Servicio Técnico Oficial que te garantiza el óptimo tratamiento del electrodoméstico así como el uso de recambios originales. Con un ritmo vertiginoso, invita al espectador a participar de un día en la vida de Dani Monfrinotti, un actor sin trabajo que atiende el teléfono en la central de reservas de un restaurante de alta categoría.

  96. “Great Blogpost! great threat, i like it, thanks very_ much.”

  97. I have learn some good stuff here. Definitely worth bookmarking for revisiting.I wonder how so much effort you set to create any such excellent informative website.

  98. Pingback: TOP ELEVEN DEITIES IN AZTEC MYTHS | Balladeer's Blog

  99. Who is the artist that painted the Pele picture?

  100. Patricia Bradley

    Interesting but I am looking for information on a jointed statue I have of a woman carrying a boat on her back with the words “adventure”, “travel”, “explore”, “learn” on her body. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

  101. Your like the Tolkien of Hawaiian stuff!

  102. Hawaiian gods are even more awesome than Greek or Egyptian!

  103. I don’t follow tennis at all, so I was not familiar with Victoria, but I thoroughly enjoyed the article. Success and tennis aside, it’s always inspiring to see such a commitment to family and a thankful heart. I plan to check her progress on the courts, and hope that she is able to use her broad experience and the mental toughness that made her a champion to continue to be a leader and role model in Belarus.

  104. Pingback: Homepage

  105. Extraordinary collection of gods!

  106. The info on Hawaiian gods was very informative and useful.

  107. Yuck! Eyeballs in kava!

  108. Outstanding one, man!

  109. Tim Harris

    When are the movies going to be made? This stuff is so cool.

  110. Would you be desirous about exchanging links?

  111. Don’t ever change a thing about this site. I enjoy it so much.

  112. Pingback: AZTEC DEITY TEZCATLIPOCA | Balladeer's Blog

  113. Nice article about Hawaiian gods. I write a blog about nothing and asking for no comments.

  114. I can’t believe how great this site is. You keep up the good work. That’s my advice pal.

  115. Just fabulous. Who wrote this and how can we get more?

  116. That sure is a detailed pantheon of gods!

  117. Kamapuaa is pretty awesome too!

  118. Kevin Parker

    I like the mythology posts here.

  119. This is one awesome blog article. Will read on…

  120. yeah bookmaking this wasn’t a risky decision great post! .

  121. MKB

    Keep up the good work with these Hawaiian gods!

  122. Taniya

    I love reading the myths of other lands.

  123. Brian

    You did Pele justice!

  124. Fantastic blog post! You made these like the Greek gods for impact.

  125. Bo

    Excellent, keep it up.|

  126. Avery

    Thanks for the marvelous posting!

  127. Jerry

    Nice take on these gods!

  128. Wendolyn

    I love all of these mythology posts!!!

  129. I did not know the islands had such rich myths! 🙂

  130. Dwayne


  131. You summarize these myths beautifully.

  132. Carman

    Balladeer’s Blog has the best mythology content on the web.

  133. Allen

    You make these myths come alive. You’re never dry the way you write about them.

  134. Teresa

    Hawaiian gods and goddesses are so awesome!!!

  135. Very nice post! Hawaii is an intriguing place!

  136. Reynalda

    This was unexpected! I had no idea that Hawaii had myths like this!

  137. I recommended this article to my students!

  138. Malena

    Pele really comes to life in your description!

  139. Glynda

    Haumea is pretty kinky!

  140. roselight2

    I love mythology and I’ve been meaning to get into Hawaiian Mythology for a while now. Thank you so much for posting this, it was exactly what I was looking for.

    • Thank you very much for the kind words! Glad you liked it! There is a Part Two and I also did a chapter by chapter look at the epic of Pele and Hi’iaka if you’re interested.

  141. Louise G

    I love mythology so this was wonderful to find this!

  142. Shauna

    I really enjoyed these!

  143. I liked Pele best of them all!

  144. Wally

    Not cool dude. You don’t seem Polynesian.

  145. Michael& Vicky

    We loved these looks at forgotten gods!

  146. Gustavo

    My sister loves myths! I’m sending her the link to this post.

  147. Catherine

    Thanks for sharing all this! I bought three books about Hawaiian myths because you got me so excited about it!

  148. You’re like Edith Hamilton for Hawaiian and Korean myths!

  149. I am sharing this with all of my students!

  150. These got me so into Hawaii in general!

  151. Magnificent! You really brought these legends to life.

  152. Florine

    Great post! I love Hawaii! 🙂

  153. Stefan

    I love gods who surf!

  154. Elenna

    Pele and Hi’i’aka completely rule!

  155. Tommy Lee Edwards


  156. I really hope President Trump gets reelected this year.