Inuit mythology is almost criminally neglected. Personally I find it  fascinating and there is a  wealth of underappreciated information to be passed along. Inuit is the term used now, largely replacing  ”eskimo”  which was a pejorative term coined by the Algonquin Indians long ago. The geographical area of the Inuit myths ranges from Siberia across the Bering Strait through Alaska, Canada and Greenland. Names used for the following deities vary across that vast area. Some Inuit settlements like Ayaatayat (near present- day Cape Denbigh) date back 10,000 years. The Inuit were often at war with various Native American tribes and, as a testament to the  fighting  ability of the ancient Inuits they drove the Vikings themselves out of part of Greenland. The Inuit deities are as fascinating as the figures in any other pantheon. And for other  mythology articles I’ve written see the following links:








12. NARSSUK – The god of the west wind and a son of the god Sila. Narssuk was depicted as an enormous infant whose winds were generated by the flapping of his caribou- skin diaper. In some versions the goddess Pukimna made the diaper for him. Narssuk supposedly would  loosen his diaper on purpose per orders from either Sila or Sedna (depending on the region) to create harsh windstorms to punish people for violating taboos. Shamans (male or female) would travel in their astral bodies to refasten the diaper and end the winds.

In some traditions they would first have to get Sedna’s permission for this and she would give them a seaweed whip to lash Narssuk with before refastening his diaper. His brother Pompeja was the god of the east wind and another son of Sila. Since the winds coming off the sea were often warmer compared to the north and west winds Pompeja’s winds were said to be caused by the god’s flatulence. (I swear!)  

11. SEQINEK – The Inuit sun goddess. The sun was her blazing torch, which she carried aloft as she ran across the sky. At night she would retire to the  dwelling she shared with her brother, the moon god Tatqim, though  the two were never in the dwelling at the same time. That dwelling was in Udlormiut, the realm of the supercelestial afterlife. In some versions, however,  Tatqim lives in a house in the west and Seqinek in a house in the east.  

At one time the sun goddess had a secret lover sneaking in to have sex with her nightly. When she at last realized it was her brother Tatqim she fled from his advances and he pursued her. Seqinek bore the sun as her torch in her flight but her brother’s torch was partially blown out as he pursued her and that is why the moon is less bright and hot than the sun. Tatqim continues his pursuit of his sister on a daily basis. Their occassional couplings are eclipses.

10. UNGA – The godling child who was a subaquatic “shepherd” for the sea goddess Sedna. Unga would round up all of the sea animals for Sedna when she wanted to withhold them from fishermen over violations of taboos or other acts which displeased her.

Unga was also called Ungaq and was depicted as a  young child sometimes female but most often male, who frequently cries and, before their ascension to divine status may have been a human child stolen away by Amajorsuk,  the goddess of miscarriages and stillborn babies and who was often described as carrying off Inuit children in her amaut. 

9. TAPASUMA – “The indweller in the land above”. The goddess who ruled over the supercelestial afterlife, as opposed to the subaquatic afterlife ruled over by Sedna. Interestingly, Inuit myth features two versions of the afterlife  existing concurrently. It is not the usual distinction between one being a place for virtuous souls and the other a place for evil souls  since rewards and punishments were doled out in both afterlifes.

The difference was one of location and/or time period.  In general the  ascension of Sedna from sea goddess to also being ruler of the afterlife came later and largely in the areas closer to the coasts. In the interior of the country the supercelestial realm of Udlormiut (the land of perpetual daylight) was the main afterlife.

The Earth was looked on as an enormous ice- house (igloo) and stars were seen as small holes in the ceiling of this massive structure allowing light in from Udlormiut, which was on the other side of the ceiling. Souls in Udlormiut had plenty of food, warmth and water as well as all the liesure time they never had during their hard earthly lives.

The chief sport of the dead souls in the supercelestial afterlife was playing Inuit soccer (soccer with no fixed boundaries) and in fact the Aurora Borealis was described as souls of the dead whose game of soccer had taken them far away from their starting point. The soccer balls they used were said to be the heads of disobedient children who were inclined to wander off and would be pulled up by the spirits of the dead.

When a soul at long last grew bored with the afterlife it could be reincarnated, with Tapasuma deciding if it would be as human or animal. The moon god Tatqim was the one who would take the souls to be reincarnated down to Earth for Tapasuma every month. In some traditions Tapasuma was conflated with Pukimna.   

8. KINAK – The mountain- sized god of the north winds. Like his brother wind gods he was a son of Sila. The blowing of the north wind was said to be caused by his breathing. His reclining body formed an entire mountain range. A popular myth about Kinak involves an Inuit woman named Taku. This woman was married to a man who beat her frequently and so she fled him. She would have perished of exposure but she had ventured onto the mountain that was really the reclining Kinak. Taku told him her plight and he took pity on her, allowing her to live with him for years, providing  her with animals for food and clothing.

Eventually the day came when Kinak wanted to roll over onto his other side and Taku had to go home. The god gently blew her home with a supply of furs that made her and her  husband very rich. The two were happy and even had a son, but eventually the husband returned to his old ways of beating Taku, who prayed to Kinak. Kinak blew Taku’s husband far  away, never to be seen again. Taku’s son became a great hunter but inherited his father’s temper and took to slaying several competing hunters so the day came when Kinak blew him away, too.     

7. TORNARSSUK – The polar bear god. He is sometimes depicted in human form and sometimes in polar bear form. Tornarssuk is largely associated with  what might be called the initiation tradition of Inuit shamans. The initiate would enter into a cave, since Tornarssuk was also the patron deity of caverns, then, encountering the polar bear god on the astral plane, the initiate’s ordeal would begin.

They would be devoured and excreted in the Inuit version of the seemingly world-wide Mystery philosophy which can be summarized: “Enlightenment (or in this case shamanic intuition) comes only through suffering” (think Christ on the cross, Odin impaled on the tree, Dionysus torn to pieces, Attis’ castration, Osiris being dismembered and recreated, etc).

Female shamans would sometimes have it a bit easier.  Tornarssuk would at times appear to them in a dream in half-human, half-bear form and have intercourse with them, thereby endowing them with shamanic intuition. Tornarssuk also taught the Inuit how to hunt  seals. As part of his role as god of the caves Tornarssuk was said to swim underground through soil and rock, causing the formation of caves as well as instigating rockslides. By some accounts this god’s mere touch is deadly to dogs. 

6. KATAUM – The sentinel who stood guard inside the doorway of Sedna’s  dwelling. Part of his job was to perpetually observe the world above and inform Sedna of any breaches of taboo. Mostly, however, he is known for being the final obstacle a shaman’s astral form would have to face before getting the opportunity to appease Sedna so that she would release the sea game that she was withholding from the Inuit because of the violation of taboos.

Other obstacles were rolling rocks that would crush even the shaman’s astral body, a thin, icy bridge that had to be crossed, a group of angry, attacking seals and a stone wall that had to be leveled. Next would come Kanajuk, the giant sea scorpion (sometimes said to be on the roof, but other accounts say that Sedna’s home had no roof to make it easier for Kataum to observe the surface dwellers) and a small ice chunk in the doorway that would whisk them away if they stepped on it.  

5. PUKIMNA – The goddess of caribou. She lived in a remote dwelling and her home was surrounded by immense herds of caribou, which she controlled. When her taboos were violated she would withhold the caribou from hunters the way Sedna would withhold sea game when the Inuit violated her taboos. Oddly, in some traditions Pukimna, not Sedna, is credited with creating walruses as well as caribou.

Pukimna is the goddess who oversees the reincarnation of caribou and walrus spirits but, as with human spirits it is the moon god who actually transports the souls back to the earthly plane at her command. Pukimna created the caribou from her breeches and the walruses from her boots.

Initially she created the caribou with tusks like the walrus but this made them too dangerous to the Inuit hunters who depended on them for food and clothing. The goddess transformed their tusks into antlers but they still moved too quickly to be successfully hunted, so she changed the pattern of the hair of the belly, throat and flanks so they could not cleave the air so swiftly when they ran. (Pukimna was a pioneer of aerodynamics apparently)

She also supposedly kicked the caribou in the foreheads while fashioning the antlers, causing the indentation on their foreheads. Pukimna was able to create the free- souls of caribou and walruses on her own but needed the collaboration of Sila to create the animals’ breath- souls. She would send the spirits of dead caribou or walruses to punish the violation of any taboos related to those animals. Some traditions place Pukimna’s caribou- surrounded home deep in the continental interior, but others placed it in the super- celestial realm of Udlormiut where Tapasuma, Tatqim and other deities live. 

4. NUNAM – The Earth goddess of the Inuit pantheon, in some traditions considered the wife of the god Sila. Nunam is often depicted wearing a coat that reaches to her knees and from which hang living miniatures of all land animals (except for caribou in some versions). Those miniatures are considered the free souls (as opposed to breath souls, which are the province of Sila) of those animals, since land animal free souls flow from Nunam. Fur boots and bracelets completed her ensemble.

In some traditions Nunam was also said to be the source of free souls for trees and rocks, which, since they are not animate, did not have a corresponding breath soul. When the world was young, children grew directly from the ground like flowers growing from Nunam’s body. Since Inuit women did not yet have vaginas they obtained  babies by going out and picking the ripe ones from the ground.

Later, after the moon god Tatqim created women’s vaginas, when the women next went out to “pick babies” the babies instead clung to the women’s ankles and climbed up their legs and into their new vaginas (showroom clean) where they took root and from then on babies emerged from that orifice. (So forget all that superstitious nonsense about sperm fertilizing eggs)

Musk-oxen were said to have hatched from large eggs buried deep within Nunam’s body. At the dawn of time Sila came down from the heavens and had intercourse with Nunam, producing a male called Kallak. Nunam then joined with Kallak, producing a daughter, whom Kallak took as a wife and the two  spawned the Inuit people. In some myths Nunam’s brothers are referred to as having been slain by her husband Sila. Nunam brought them back to life but Sila insisted they needed punished for waging war on him so he shrunk them down and they became the Ishigaq, the one meter tall Inuit equivalent of elves.

3. SILA – The god of the weather and of the animating life-force, frequently manifested as the winds, which were looked on as the “breathing of the world.” For this reason he was also the deity governing the breathing of humanity and  animals as well, since breath flows like wind in and out of us all. The life force was said to come from Sila and flow back into  Sila after death, and then, through the lesser deities, was eventually sent back into the world via reincarnation. Because singing, humming and tale-spinning are also done with the breath Sila was also seen as the god of songs, tales, music and other creative inspiration.

In addition it was through him that shamans ultimately derived their powers. Intuitive warnings, especially on the part of children, were said to be the whisperings of Sila. The nagging of one’s conscience was also attributed to Sila. This god was said to be always with us but always far away. In some traditions it is said Sila sculpted the first humans from wet sand and breathed life into them.

Bad weather like wind, blizzards, etc was caused by Sila punishing humanity for violating taboos and the god would inflict disease on anyone guilty of mistreating game animals. If someone suffering from disease was appealing to Sila to heal them they would need to abandon all their earthly possessions and go off in solitude. Once possessed of nothing but their “breath soul” Sila would consider healing them.

Breath souls and the animating life force came from Sila, free souls from the goddesses Nunam, Pukimna and Sedna. In some traditions the way Sila creates snow is by whittling walrus tusks with the shavings falling as snowflakes. The rare times Sila was depicted he was clean-shaven but with long flowing hair, standing with his fur coat open to display his bare chest, a sign of his imperviousness to the elements he commanded.       

2. TATQIM – The moon god. The moon is his partially burned out torch that he carries to light his way as he perpetually and lecherously chases his sister, the sun goddess Seqinek, whose fully lit torch is, of course, the sun. In addition Tatqim plays a very significant role in the Inuit cycle of  reincarnation. When the human and animal souls in the supercelestial afterlife called Udlormiut are ready to be reincarnated, the goddess Tapasuma instructs the moon god to transport them to Earth, further instructing him what type of life form each soul should be reborn as.

Tatqim takes these souls to Earth in his divine dogsled pulled by four huge dogs (or just one REALLY huge dog in some versions) and does this on the moonless nights each month. This task he performs at Tapasuma’s command accounts for the moon’s absence from the sky on such nights. Tatqim’s control of the tides was crucial for the coastal Inuit because without ebb tides they could not gather the seaweed from where the tides had retreated, seaweed being an essential food item in the far north, where other forms of vegetable life are often very scarce.

The tale of the moon god’s creation of vaginas and anuses goes as follows: long ago animals did not have either orifice, so the disemboweling goddess Ululijarnaq used to take her ulo knife and carve babies and waste matter out of people’s insides as needed. (Sort of like the Tooth Fairy but with a lot more disemboweling) Seeing how inefficient that was, Tatqim took his hunting knife and cut vaginas into all female life forms and anuses into all living things.

Women continue to bleed for a time from this wound monthly to this very day. This association with the vagina is how the moon god first attained his reincarnation duties, since the vagina is the portal through which animal life enters the world. The disemboweling goddess was reassigned to her current role guarding the approach to the supercelestial afterlife. Barren women would pray to the moon god for children and he would sometimes come down and impregnate them personally.

When you add Tatqim’s role as the god of hunting he certainly seems to occupy a more significant place in Inuit myths than many other lunar deities from around the world do in their pantheons.     

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1. SEDNA – The sea goddess and the most celebrated deity in the Inuit pantheon. Even mythology books that cover no other figures from Inuit myths will usually have an entry on her. She was the daughter of the god and goddess Anguta and Isarrataitsoq and, like countless female figures in Inuit myths, she refused all prospective husbands. Sedna instead had sexual relations with dogs and the “freakish” offspring of these unions were said to be white people and Native American tribes that the Inuit were often at war with.

A ghoulish twist to the story is how Sedna took to using her parents as food (a recurring theme in Inuit myths because of the scarcity of food in the frozen north at times and how instances of cannibalism during such famines were much-discussed). Sedna devoured both of her mother Isarrataitsoq’s arms and had finished eating one of her father’s arms before he was able to subdue her and take her out to sea in his canoe, intent on banishing her to the sea. Continuing to struggle, Sedna clutched the sides of the canoe as her father tried to submerge her, prompting him to take his long knife and cut off her fingers.

Since, to the Inuit,  loss or mutilation of the hands was often seen as a horrific transformation into something new, the myth states that Sedna now embraced her fate, transforming her now-fingerless hands into flippers and transforming her severed digits into the various species of sea animals. When the one-armed Anguta returned to shore, where his still-armless wife awaited, Sedna, now fully realized as the sea goddess, caused a massive wave to wash over her parents, dragging them down to her new home to serve in her subaquatic court.

This subsea realm is called Adlivun, and it is also the place where the souls of the coastal Inuit and the game animals they thrive on go after death to be eventually reincarnated (similar to how the souls of the Inuit from the interior and the souls of their game animals go to the supercelestial afterlife called Udlormiut when they die and are reincarnated, though the moon god does not seem to play a role in the rebirth of souls from Adlivun).

Sedna’s home in the deep is said to be constructed of a whalebone frame with walls made of all the clothing of people who have drowned at sea and furnishings fashioned from their bones and sunken ships.

The sea goddess’ father Anguta oversees the punishment of dead souls for taboos they violated in life, eventually purging them from the taint of their wrongdoing. After that the souls are free to dwell with the other deceased spirits until they are ready to be reincarnated. Sedna retained her preference for bestiality, taking the giant sea-scorpion god Kanajuk as a husband, a spouse she shares with her armless mother. The god Kataum guards the entranceway to Sedna’s undersea dwelling and also keeps an eye on taboos being violated by the coastal Inuit.

The god Sila uses Sedna to enforce the taboos (as he uses the goddess Pukimna to enforce the taboos for the Inuit of the interior), and, to counteract Sedna’s recalcitrant nature, does this by causing the breaking of taboos to manifest as knots and filth in Sedna’s hair. When the sea goddess’ hair becomes so polluted that she can no longer stand it she orders the godling-child Unga to act as a shepherd and round up all the game animals of the sea. This causes a scarcity of game for the coastal Inuit, a problem resolved only by a shaman traveling to Adlivun in their astral body to comb the knots and filth from Sedna’s hair, thus appeasing her. (She cannot comb her hair herself because she has flippers, not hands) 


© Edward Wozniak and Balladeer’s Blog, 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Edward Wozniak and Balladeer’s Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Filed under Mythology


  1. midaevalmaiden

    Sedna is an evil female. I never knew the inuit had such wierd beliefs. I mean… wierd. But then I suppose 6 months of darkness might do that to a person.

  2. Ha! I know what you mean! You should read some of the odd types of monsters they have in their myths. I’ll eventually be adding an entire page on Inuit Myths, probably even two or three pages. There is THAT much underappreciated material about them out there.

  3. Pingback: Top 12 Inuit Deities « nunawhaa

  4. Thanks for such an awesome (and accurate) post! I love Inuit mythology!

    • Thank you very much for the kind words! I’ll be having plenty more on them in the near future! Plenty of additional deities and a very long breakdown on the various adventures of Kivioq.

  5. ehatsumi

    nice post! inuit myth is interesting too! i never thought they have beliefs like that, and i think it’s cool! 🙂

    • Thank you! I loved their myths the more and more books I read on them and I can’t believe they are so underappreciated! I’ll be doing a whole page or more on them, just like my Vietnamese Myth, Navajo Myth and Bunyoro myth pages. I’ll be covering a lot more deities of theirs, some of whom were mentioned briefly in this Top 12 list.

  6. Pingback: THE TOP 12 DEITIES FROM INUIT MYTHOLOGY « Balladeer's Blog | Hawaiian History

  7. Wow! You must be so busy! This actually took me a while to read. It was really interesting.

    “Narssuk was depicted as an enormous infant whose winds were generated by the flapping of his caribou- skin diaper.” – this is somewhat hysterical

    “Since the winds coming off the sea were often warmer compared to the north and west winds Pompeja’s winds were said to be caused by the god’s flatulence. (I swear!) ” – that is messed up

    SEQINEK and TARQEQ – that is just not right

    UNGA – my long lost brother – he always was a cry baby

    TARQEQ – a moon god cutting out vaginas. I thought this was interesting since women’s menstrual cycles are influenced by the phases of the moon.

    I think TARQEQ needs to calm down a little though, seriously.

    Cool post! It took me a while to comment on it.

    • Thanks! I’m glad you liked it!

      Narssuk – I’m with you. Try praying to THAT god with a straight face!

      Pompeja – Yeah, his bit pretty much makes the story of Narssuk’s winds look dignified by comparison.

      Seqinek and Tarqeq – I’ll say! DOWN, boy!

      Unga – You’re hilarious

      Tarqeq and vaginas – I never even thought about the moon’s connection with menstruation! Thanks for mentioning that! it adds a whole other level to that particular myth.

  8. Well researched and written. A fascinating little glimpse into another culture. Thank you kindly!!

    Lazarus Lupin
    art and review

  9. No trouble at all! Thank you for commenting!

  10. Woman

    You brought tears to my eyes!!! When I was still working airports I used to live in Nunavut with the Inuit. I got to travel to all the communities and this just brings back so many memories of my times up there!!! Thank-you for being such a diverse lore blogger!!!!!! I may not always understand the post but they are an interesting read to try to figure them out!!! But this one… the nostalgia is wonderful!!!

  11. I’m really glad to hear it! You are just full of surprises! I’d love to hear about your time with them! E-mail me if you don’t feel comfortable responding here. Did you ever witness any of the Bladder Festivals or the big Sedna festival in Autumn, when everybody starts hunkering down with supplies that they hope will last the winter? (The festival with the tug-of-war between people born under the Sign of the Ptarmigan and the Sign of the Duck)

    • Woman

      No, in the Autumn it was getting together with the IGA grocery lists with a bunch of friends and shopping through their lists for what we would need to keep us over the winter as it would be brought up on the barge. Most expensive shopping I’ve ever done. But it was done over a bottle of run, lots of cigars and late into the night.

      In the early Spring, there is Pakallak Time which was grand fun!!!! Dog racing, throat singers, dancing and so much traditional foods. It was also my first time tasting char. Mmmm… char. But don’t get me wrong, whale blubber, caribou, mussles and all the traditional foods of the Inuit are delicious!!! I also had the privilege of spending a weekend out at Marble Island a great spiritual place for the Kivalliq folks.

      It seriously is one of the most surreal and favourite places on earth. I must return one day to see the changes they have made.

      • It must have been incredible getting to be on hand for all of that. And those foods sound delicious! Rum and cigars AND the company of explosive Gabryella! The people you spent time with are probably STILL telling stories about your stay with them!

      • My interest in this issue runs deep, as I spent over 6 years wonrikg as a research historian wonrikg for Health Canada, Indian Affairs, Parks Canada, Saskatchewan’s Treaty Commissioners Office as well the FSIN on everything from Aboriginal Health Care, Hunting and Fishing Rights, Residential Schools, Trust Funds, as well as Land Claims.

      • Good to hear! I love hearing from people who have a passion for this topic!

  12. I always enjoy your mythology posts. This one reminds me of a webcomic called Muktuk Wolfsbreath, Hard Boiled Shaman. The artist is trying to realistically portray a Siberian shaman. He uses actual shamans art to show the demons and spirits that Muktuk deals with. It’s not really representational but the highly suggestive quality is like some of these stories. There’s no gods in it but you get the idea that if gods were to appear they would not be very much like people at all.

    • Cool! I’ll check that webcomic out. Thanks for the link! Thanks for the kind words about my mythology posts. I’ve often thought the whole comic-book crowd should embrace mythology more. Not like the Thor or Daughter of the Water God comic books but more like the “Graphic Novel” type. A whole new generation could be introduced to the figures in these stories. When I launch my various Inuit pages one will be devoted to just the Inuit heroes fighting the very, very VERY odd monsters from the far north. Naturally Kivioq’s adventures alone will be about half that page.

      • My family pioneered the Manitoulin Island in Ontario so I do have aboriginal ancestry in our family. Liberal and conservative policy has been restricted largely by the Indian Act. That in itself sohlud not be used as an excuse to deny the basics of food, shelter, education and employment to our aboriginal peoples. In the meantime Liberals sohlud endorse policies that provide aboriginals with the basics of a decent living and the opportunities every other citizen of Canada enjoys.

        That said I hugely enjoyed this look at my people’s mythological heritage!

      • Thank you very much! We’re fed up with Liberals and Conservatives here in America, too.

    • Thank you for bringing the myths of these people to greater light!

  13. I almost liked the polar bear god, but then I found out that his touch is lethal to dogs, so now I’m not too sure.
    Seriously, this is fascinating and weird at the same time. I agree with what’s been said in the other comments, I wouldn’t want to know some of these guys. I guess all mythologies have their quirks, don’t they?
    I quite like the idea of a god responsible for nagging one’s conscience, there’s definitely a need for one nowadays…Yep, Sila must be my favourite out of this bunch!

    • You sure it’s not just his bare chest that’s getting to you? (I’m kidding!)
      Well, there are still plenty more Inuit gods coming when I put their page up in the near future.

      I agree, there’s just something relentlessly “alien” about these deities. Many of the Inuit myths themselves are so beautifully other-worldly, in fact. Almost like science fiction stories set on a planet of nearly perpetual winter. Many tales dwell on famines so intense that the people live on lice they pluck from each other’s hair or cold so intense that people get killed, not for cannibalistic purposes (though there is plenty of that, too) but so that their body parts can be used AS FUEL TO KEEP THE FIRES GOING! And the Vikings thought THEY were hardcore.

  14. Woman


    It must have been incredible getting to be on hand for all of that. And those foods sound delicious! Rum and cigars AND the company of explosive Gabryella! The people you spent time with are probably STILL telling stories about your stay with them!”

    Ahhh you think too highly of me!!!

  15. Pingback: female divine « Remain Anonymous;

  16. Kelly Anne

    Awesome and awesomer! You are so good at making all this interesting. Nobody else has ever gotten me interested in mythology.

  17. Pingback: 4-24-2011 Dream Fragments A Goddess And A God « John Jr's WordPress Blog

  18. Call Me Valeria

    This must be your darkest blog post yet. These gods and godeses are nightmare material.

    • Thanks for commenting!!! Wait til I get into their hero and shaman tales and you see the kind of monsters they fight. You haven’t seen anything yet!

  19. castrol edge
    Hey, can I use your entry on my website with a linkback?

  20. Pingback: Inuit deity | Superprotonix

  21. Pingback: Inuit deities | Kiroset

  22. You are the Anne Rice of mythology or soemthing! You make these figures seem real and funny and kinky all at once! And scary with Sedna and Sila!

  23. Unga had such a sad air to her story. And this goddess of miscarriages sounds eerily intriguing!

  24. Pingback: Amazon Kindle

  25. Pingback: Sony BDV E580

  26. awesome list of gods so unique

  27. u r the best! ur a genius at making these myths and gods interesting!

  28. IVery well written and informative! Pukimna was my favorite!


  30. Scary but cool all aat the same time! These gods deserve more pub! Nice jobb!

  31. very dark and very savage – luv the way u write these myths

  32. Go Kinak! Love a god who stops violence against women!

  33. Pingback: Rick Perry and Bryan Fischer Will Pray Five Times Facing Mecca on August 6, Insha’allah « Atheist Hobos

  34. Pingback: Goddess Sedna « Journeying to the Goddess

  35. You have the most info on Sedna that I can find!

  36. Pukimna was my favorite!

  37. You are the Homer of obscure mythology!

  38. Sedna really is amazing! Same for Pukimna.

  39. Sedna and Pukimna are my kind of goddesses!

  40. Liz

    Pukimna and Unga were great!

  41. Toni!!!! :D

    Hey! This is really cool! I love mythology, especially the Greek stuff, but this is great too! It is so unappreciated. My favourite is Kinak. Do you know if the Inuits have a god/goddess of winter? I was looking for that, but just got captured by the amazing stories…

  42. Just like greek and egyptian myths!

  43. Pingback: Brandi

  44. Excellent article! Such odd types of gods!

  45. Pingback: Tastic Man

  46. Fantastic shit! Never knew the Inuits had such interestign and dark gods.

  47. Wow! Bestiality fest with Sedna!

  48. Sedna is my new Domme idol.

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  50. Boz

    Out of curiosity, what are you using as your sources for this information? I don’t expect a full page of citations, but generally — or for further reading — I’d like to know where to go to find out more about these guys (especially Tornarssuk). Thanks for putting this up!

    • Hello! I have the HUGE list of my source books at the very bottom of my Inuit Myth page. (See it with the other pages along the top like About, Bad Movies. etc) That page also has additional Inuit deities

  51. Kellen [url=]Black And Red Nike Dunks[/url] For instance, if the word acid is required in the name within the product, it happens to be synthetic.without a doubt primarily different inside of a iplaying video game titles domains, And also Newell says the fact that machine spotted precisely the same programs about with the a thirdparty title. I don see him snapping off throws.Its soothing soft interior shelters and isolates top of your head and hands (body and spirit) for a short break, and never have to leave the office, chair, bench or wherever there’s a chance you’re. [url=][/url] 50, After that little.A thing I’d like to mention so is this hotel is due to walking distance on the Olympic Stadium for ones 2008 Summer Olympics and appears to be very approximately where all of the olympic activities.

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  53. Nightmare fuel, some of these deities.


  55. Awesome gods! They should be in a movie!

  56. Awesome collection of gods!

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  74. contains an email deal with for the person.

    • Greg Mitchell

      Hi, I work historic materials with Inuit people in Labrador. One of the customs told to me recently by an elder was that when a young man killed a bearded seal (we call them square flippers) for the first time, he had to lay himself on the seashore and the entire seal was hauled over him by the men of the community. These seals can be six or seven hundred pounds! I have suspected that this custom could be related to the Sedna (in showing her dominance and giving thanks, etc), or was perhaps some ‘right of passage’. Have you come across this behaviour (hauling a seal carcass over the boy) anywhere else in the north? What does it mean? Can anyone else help out on this topic?

      • Hello! Sorry for the delay in checking the comments.

        This is very familiar. I will check my variety of books and post a reply back here.

      • Greg Mitchell

        Hi Balladeer – thanks for the quick response – really. I have checked what I have here (literature) from Franz Boas, Diamond Jenness, and others who have worked in the north in the early days of ‘anthroplogy’ up there. I have never found anything similar to this custom of hauling the large seal over the young hunter..
        I’m anxiously awaiting the results of your search. Thanks in advance for any help on this!

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  88. Hello There. I had no idea so many races had gods like these.

  89. Those wind gods are the bomb!

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  94. These gods give me the creeps. Almost like monsters.

  95. The bear god is great!

  96. Don’t you have a religion of your own?

  97. Not exatly the 12 Olympians are they?

  98. Spooky excuses for gods dude.

  99. Luf these gods and goddesses! Bookmarked!

  100. The inoots had awesome gods!

  101. Love the Inuit and their lore! I hunt up there a lot!

  102. I really love the way you bring these Inuit gods to life!

  103. Wow I never knu the far north had such a rich culture.

  104. Strange and scary gods dude.

  105. Very interesting gods!

  106. You find such weird things.

  107. Yu got to love flatulence gods

  108. My favorite of these is Tornarsuk.

  109. Kimberly

    These gods are all new to me! Awesome!

  110. Al

    You got more than other sights do about these gods.

  111. Only losers care about myths.

  112. U need to use more pictures with gods like this.

  113. I’m impressed at how u make this clear for laymen.

  114. Normally I don’t read post on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very forced me to try and do so! Your writing style has been amazed me. Thanks, quite nice article.

  115. Music started playing as soon as I opened up this web page, so annoying!

  116. Polar bear god gets to screw female shaman?

  117. Thanks for another great look at mythology!

  118. Essential list for Inuit gods!

  119. Your place is valueble for me. Thanks!…

  120. I love any gods who do a lot of fishing!

  121. Pingback: TOP ELEVEN DEITIES IN AZTEC MYTHS | Balladeer's Blog

  122. Lesley

    Sedna even has a planet named after her now! Thanks for giving her so much new attention!

  123. Love your site especially the myths.

  124. Very informative! I like the jokes u threw in hear and there.


  126. I think Balladeer’s Blog at has the best mythology coverage on the net.

  127. Hi! Love your blog!.

  128. Inuit goddesses are awesome!

  129. It is not my first time to go to see this web site, i am browsing this web site dailly and get pleasant information from here daily.

  130. Tatqim is a ladies man.

  131. You should write for an Inuit pagan movement.

  132. Muchas gracias por este artículo, me ha servido un montón…. Lo recomiendo sin dudarlo!

  133. Sedna kicks butt!!!!!!

  134. Youre so cool! I really enjoy how you don’t ignore female deities when you write these things.

  135. Great blog here! Also your way of describing these gods is very good!

  136. You could certainly see your expertise in the work you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. Always follow your heart.

  137. Hey, you gonna do anymore Inuit myths anytime soon?

  138. Awesome! Especially Sedna!

  139. So would America’s Alaskan Inuit be covered under this?

  140. Nunam sounds like Noonan!

  141. I shared this on my page and 57 of my friends have already read it. You always know just what to say. You are obviously very knowledgeable.

  142. I like this post! There are some scary gods in this.

  143. Pingback: INUIT MYTHS: INUURAQ | Balladeer's Blog

  144. Teman Bola

    I like Pukimna.

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  149. Pingback: INUIT MYTHS: ILAGANIQ | Balladeer's Blog

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  160. Lost myths are so awesome!

  161. That sun goddess story is kinky.

  162. Pingback: AZTEC DEITY TEZCATLIPOCA | Balladeer's Blog

  163. Fay

    Balladeer I’m amazed at the obscure gods you find.

  164. No one can ever say this site is boring!

  165. I really like your writing style and how well you express your thoughts. I really like your writing so a lot! Very nice write up.

  166. Excellent list of strange gods.

  167. This is where all the fun really is!

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  170. Your article is super. Thank you

  171. I look forward to your next article. Thank you

  172. Love these gods from the cold north!

  173. You sure have a ton of information on Inuit gods and stuff.

  174. This information is priceless. Where can I find out more?

  175. very nice post, i certainly love this website, keep on it

  176. I really can’t believe how great this site is. Keep up the good work. I’m going to tell all my friends about this place.

  177. This site looks better and better every time I visit it. What have you done with this place to make it so amazing?!

  178. This is my first time here. Cool gods.

  179. I like your elegant way of describing these gods.

  180. Thank you for your blog article.Thanks Again. Great.

  181. Andreas Jensen

    I really liked these myths from the north.

  182. Otaku Sempei

    You really brought these to life!


    Where does a white man get off writing about these myths?

  184. Deandre Berishaj

    Beliefs like this are what keep us all together as one people!

  185. Donna

    I like the intelligent breakdown you give on all these gods.

  186. So informative the way you look at gods.

  187. Les

    Grand yet creepy at the same time.

  188. Franklin

    Inuit gods are the most awesome thing imaginable!

  189. Jesse Dreben

    So dark but majestic these gods.

  190. Andre

    It’s all about Sedna!

  191. Christina

    That little girl shepherd goddess who rounds up sea animals when ordered is very disturbing for some reason.

  192. Lianne

    Some of these gods are like science fiction.

  193. Alex

    Scary god but with a certain grandeur.

  194. Chano

    I love your Inuit myth posts!

  195. Abe

    I’ve learned a lot about their gods.

  196. Britney

    Great post. I would love a Sedna movie, animated or live action.

  197. Israel

    Such a wonderful and informative article!

  198. I think your myths posts are my favorite!

  199. Morgan W

    I love learning about other cultures like this!

  200. Delfin

    Pretty interesting variety of gods.

  201. Donald

    I like to study these mythology posts you put up.

  202. Emily Brown

    Thank you for putting this list together! Sedna’s tale here is VERY different from other versions I have read, where she is portrayed as more of a victim and which have no mention of bestiality or maiming parents. I suppose even a dark goddess can have a surprisingly dark side…?

    • I know how you feel! It took me a lot of research to finally find explanations for why Sedna’s father and mother had just one arm and no arms respectively. Many mythology books would just refer to their maimed status with no explanation provided.

  203. Jon Del Arroz

    Your mythology blog posts are awesome!